Navy Dads

My boy's is in Pre-BUDS at Great Lakes, just graduated Ship 04, DIV 821.
anyone got scuttlebutt on the BUDs classes starting up?

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Thanks for the very kind comments. I have no clue what to expect as time marches on but I do remember what I have been through. The comments I make I hope help other but the real reason is I get to relive the things that happened in the past and it reminds me of the highs and lows I went through.

On a side note last Friday at 1700 I started vacation, last Friday at 1000 my wife, youngest daughter and my wife's aunt left for a cruise. It is just me and the dog and I am loving it. I have to clean the house tomorrow before they get home. Not to worried about the weekend I have a headache scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, if things go like in the past the aspirin will kick in just in time to watch football and the car race.

Good luck to each of your Sons and their Teammates. Please keep me informed as to their progress. Sometimes I get distracted since I am following not only Navy Dads but also 7 BUDS Classes on Navy for Moms.
Thanks much

Jerry M said:
I heard 288 as well. G273 - I'll keep him in my prayers.
My son is fresh out of OCS class 2010-B waiting for his class which now looks like May 2011. They have too many officers for the March class. Most of the guys waiting to class up are training and helping current class instructors with various odd jobs and support on Coronado and elswhere.

God Bless & Protect all of our Warriors.. Pap, JR
Well, The boy decided he not to stay in the program and DORed.
He'll be shipped out to the fleet or reassigned a school.

It was not any one thing.
An instructor asked him a question that he considered it for several days; he realized he just did not want to be a SEAL more than anything in the world.
That was the biggest part.
There are others I'm certain, but that was the big one.

Good luck to all your boys, may they do well.
If put in harms way, may a merciful God look over them.

John Russell said:
My son is fresh out of OCS class 2010-B waiting for his class which now looks like May 2011. They have too many officers for the March class. Most of the guys waiting to class up are training and helping current class instructors with various odd jobs and support on Coronado and elswhere.

God Bless & Protect all of our Warriors.. Pap, JR
My boy is saying one in Jan 2011 and class 288 in March 2011. Good luck to all surf is high in Coronado around that time....
Ray, I spoke to my youngest son tonight (he's Div 820, PIR Sep 24) and he had similar news. Sounds like -- because of the size of their group at this point -- they'll be conducting their final pre-BUD/S Exit Tests in two groups (on Dec 6 and Dec 13) to determine who'll report to Coronado in early Jan (immediately after their Christmas Leave). Apparently those that don't class-up in Jan will do so in Mar. Your right about the surf in the Spring! My oldest son went thru BUD/S at that time of year in 2009, he rec'd his Trident in Aug 2010, Class 278). Good luck to your son! Jerry M

My boy is saying one in Jan 2011 and class 288 in March 2011. Good luck to all surf is high in Coronado around that time....
I know class 288 starts in March....

Thanks Ray,
I heard that they were going to discontinue the winter classes due to the DOR rate from medical issues associated to the cold water? JR

I know class 288 starts in March....
John, you are correct about the winter Class. I think there was a winter Class last year.

Thanks grandpa273.. JR
grandpa273 said:
John, you are correct about the winter Class. I think there was a winter Class last year.
Thanks Jerry, Sounds like I will be seeing my son for Christmas, he just made the Air travel arragements. Goes back to Great Lakes then back again to California for Buds, Ahh to be young again, hahaha.

Jerry M said:
Ray, I spoke to my youngest son tonight (he's Div 820, PIR Sep 24) and he had similar news. Sounds like -- because of the size of their group at this point -- they'll be conducting their final pre-BUD/S Exit Tests in two groups (on Dec 6 and Dec 13) to determine who'll report to Coronado in early Jan (immediately after their Christmas Leave). Apparently those that don't class-up in Jan will do so in Mar. Your right about the surf in the Spring! My oldest son went thru BUD/S at that time of year in 2009, he rec'd his Trident in Aug 2010, Class 278). Good luck to your son! Jerry M

My boy is saying one in Jan 2011 and class 288 in March 2011. Good luck to all surf is high in Coronado around that time....
Ray, My youngest son (pre-BUD/S Div 820) will be home for Christmas, and said he has the option to leave from home directly to California. It'll be a special time for us -- our oldest (SEAL Team 2) will be home, too! Who would have believed it -- two sons in the Navy and they'll BOTH be home for the holidays! God Bless America!

Thanks Jerry, Sounds like I will be seeing my son for Christmas, he just made the Air travel arragements. Goes back to Great Lakes then back again to California for Buds, Ahh to be young again, hahaha.

Jerry M said:
Ray, I spoke to my youngest son tonight (he's Div 820, PIR Sep 24) and he had similar news. Sounds like -- because of the size of their group at this point -- they'll be conducting their final pre-BUD/S Exit Tests in two groups (on Dec 6 and Dec 13) to determine who'll report to Coronado in early Jan (immediately after their Christmas Leave). Apparently those that don't class-up in Jan will do so in Mar. Your right about the surf in the Spring! My oldest son went thru BUD/S at that time of year in 2009, he rec'd his Trident in Aug 2010, Class 278). Good luck to your son! Jerry M

My boy is saying one in Jan 2011 and class 288 in March 2011. Good luck to all surf is high in Coronado around that time....



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