Navy Dads

Is there a formal graduation ceremony for BUD/S trainees and their families at the end of BUD/S????

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No steven, bud/s graduation is only for trainers and bud/s graduates.
No, there was a Graduation on the beach for BUDS but only for the Class and Instructors. Not sure about the rumor going around but I heard that the BUDS Graduation Party on the Beach was going to be discontinued and they will go on to SQT. For the Classes that had BUDS Party it was only for the guys and each Class could make their own plans for later that night or the next day, some would meet at a local bar. Please remember the party was designed for the guys to get together a reflect on what they had been through. To share stories about each other and talk about thing that happened. What the guys would be discussing would be limited if they had parents and friend around, they needed a party for themselves. What they do and have done is not public knowledge and that includes the parents. In my opinion this a time that the loved ones start the training of not knowing who, what or when their guy are doing. I have talked to loved ones that did go to some graduation parties and they left early and or was not happy they attended since they realized it was really for the guys.
Unless you are talking about the Very end of Bud/s /SQT.   When they are pinned with their Tridents, there is a very formal graduation that parents may and should attend. But Steve this is after guys have graduated BUD/s, gone thro SQT and are ready to join the teams. 


It's funny the things you hear. I heard that the main graduation after Buds/SQT would not involve any family members any more. Prayers for class 290, returning from Great Lakes on Wednesday and continue with BO's on the 22nd. JR

John, they use to have a private graduation at the end of BUDS Phase III and it was for the guys, instructors and officers only. I hear that is being phased out. There is a SQT Graduation when they get their Trident and that is a formal event that takes place on the Grinder at NSWC. I have not heard any rumor that SQT Graduation will end, it is very special and many officers from around the country attend. If you click the link SQT Graduation you can read the Blog I wrote about our Grandsons Graduation.
My son graduates in July . We have heard of a 5 family member only allowed for graduation . Has anyone had to deal with not getting in. If so is there a place for others to view ?



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