Navy Dads

Any one associated with class 285 out there?

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Dave and Eric, could you please remover your Sons name from your profile. Sites like this one are monitored regurlarly looking for info on the guys. If they find info about what they are doing, size of Class or any info about what is going on in BUDS your guy will hear about it and he and or the whole Class will be in for some extra PT. On the main SEAL Dads page I have post rule for posting on Special Operations pages. If you what to share info on indivuals it should be done by email or private message. Feel free to email me at or pm me if you have questions. My GS has Gratuated SQT and is with his Team now.

Please tell your guys thanks for their Service and beginning the long road to get their Trident. Please keep me informed as to their progress.

Have a Great Weekend.
Oops! I had dutifully done that over on N4M but forgotten this side of the ship! Thanks Grandpa!

grandpa273 said:
Dave and Eric, could you please remover your Sons name from your profile. Sites like this one are monitored regurlarly looking for info on the guys. If they find info about what they are doing, size of Class or any info about what is going on in BUDS your guy will hear about it and he and or the whole Class will be in for some extra PT. On the main SEAL Dads page I have post rule for posting on Special Operations pages. If you what to share info on indivuals it should be done by email or private message. Feel free to email me at or pm me if you have questions. My GS has Gratuated SQT and is with his Team now.

Please tell your guys thanks for their Service and beginning the long road to get their Trident. Please keep me informed as to their progress.

Have a Great Weekend.
My son is part of Class 285 as well. Thought I would say hello!
pirate4691 (Ship 04 Div 812), could you please remover your Sons name from your profile. Sites like this one are monitored regurlarly looking for info on the guys. If they find info about what they are doing, size of Class or any info about what is going on in BUDS your guy will hear about it and he and or the whole Class will be in for some extra PT. On the main SEAL Dads page I have post rule for posting on Special Operations pages. If you what to share info on indivuals it should be done by email or private message. Feel free to email me at or pm me if you have questions. My GS has Gratuated SQT and is with his Team now.

Please tell your guys thanks for their Service and beginning the long road to get their Trident. Please keep me informed as to their progress.
I am really glad yall have started this Group. My GS Graduated Class 273. It is a long road but the end is reachable.

HoYaa Class 285!!!!
The following is quoted from a posting by my wife over on Navy for Moms and is important for us to read and follow the same guidelines. I have been guilty of a few of those “offenses” here and will be creating a moderated group for any further discussions of this Class XXX.

(pls allow me to jump in here as one of the longer N4Ms members) because prior to the formation of our last two groups, no one had really thought to make the BUDS Class Groups private to further protect our sons and Moms once training was underway. (Some Group Creators didn't know you could and when they went back later to amend it at the request of their members, they found they couldn't! Once public, it can't be changed to a Private Group! N4Ms and Ning need to address this!!)

Having Public Groups is/has admittedly been helpful in some ways, new members can get accurate, current info from those ahead of them, as this site intends. However, it can be a negative thing too as anyone else (well intentioned or NOT) can glean the same info. Don't kid yourself ever, we get comfy chatting in our groups as time goes on, BUT we are not alone onsite! There are lurkers, e-mail harvesters and non US citizens, good and bad who are checking this site, especially now that it has grown so and it is more well known. I've seen some creepy, troublesome and disturbing posts (and members) and those are just the ones someone noticed!

Bottom line, all non Private Groups online are publicly accessible and the minute you post something, it is out on the world wide web for anyone to see, friendly or not. Always easier to omit, and refrain, then retract and delete. We do our best here not to be the reason our guys' safety or the SEALS program is compromised, and to be sure they don't get in trouble with their superiors in Coronado. (That's why we recommend making friend requests and sharing sensitive Class info in your PMs) Sailors have been called to the carpet and punished for stuff their instructors found posted by their Moms! Saying what Class your son is in narrows down the field for "them" to identify who your son is!

There have been many instances where new members in their excitement, haste and pride, have posted sensitive info without thinking and by the time it's caught, the potential "damage" may have already been done! (They've listed number of Sailors in the class, left in the class, departure and arrival dates, HW info, # of DORs, training specifics/changes etc, a info the enemy would love to know and gather. Finding breadcrumbs of info, putting puzzle pieces together, is what they are trained to do. This is very serious stuff! ) As you know, the Creator and/or Admin is the only one who can delete those comments and sometimes the poster gets offended when other members point it out and ask that they remove them. :( We all watch out for each other and always walk a fine line between helpful support and caution.

The links to the Groups are posted so that latecomers and newbies can more easily find others whose young men are training with theirs. Setting a precedent now to make these Groups Private, where the Class members can share that more specific information, pray, celebrate etc., without being as worried about all the lurkers (Navy and others) will hopefully serve to better protect our Sailors, the BUDS program and give us time to get everyone up to speed on proper protocol and thinking in OPSEC ways before they start posting info all over the site in Public Groups.

So, to bring it back around, yes, you can go read all kinds of stuff here about the prior BUDS classes. For that matter, you can probably read a bunch about all the classes elsewhere on the web, such as SEAL/, Navy sites, chat forums etc. We just do as best we can, as Civilians members of N4Ms and loving family members, to follow the guidelines of our site and the rules for the Spec Ops community members, as requested by the Admins and the Navy.
Hy - I'm also one of the dads of a 285'r. I have also created a private group BUDS Class 285 on the site that will keep our conversations more secure for OPSEC reasons.
My sailor in in 2 8 5 and is anxious to get beyond pool comps

Mad Dog



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