Navy Dads

My son got rolled from 287 to 289.  288 was full.  We may be driving his car to him next week 2300 miles across country.  I think 289 starts B.O. in early May.

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Did you stay at the Del or the base hotel? I once stayed at the Lodge at Torey Pines but that is pretty far. care to share any thoughts on where to take them for dinner, etc.
I wrote a Blog about our trip to visit our GS between Phase I and II, we stayed at the Gateway across from NSWC. You can find it at My Trip to Coronado

HooYah Class 289!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We stayed one night at the North Island base on the north end of Coronado and three nights at the base in San Diego which is near the bridge.  Both were excellent.  We had tried for the one on the Amphibious Base but it was full.  My goal is to stay there for graduation.
As for places to eat, There are some great places on Orange Ave in Coronado.  One that stands out in my memory is on the left just before the Dell as you travel south.  It's Mediterranean and is on the second floor.  There is an elevator on the street or you can walk up the stairs to the left side.  I can't exactly remember the name but think it's something like La Terraza.  You can dine inside or outside on the patio overlooking the street.  Prices are reasonable too.  I wish I could remember restaurant names but I had the best Mexican ever in Old Town (its on the Trolley Tour) and the best Italian ever in downtown San Diego.  Follow your nose.
It looks like Great Lakes may be bypassed for at least officers for class 290. Does anyone know anything else about that?? John
Good luck to the men testing out today.
My son and the rest of 289 got to watch 282's graduation Friday.  He found it highly motivational.  Then the day before his class begins BUD/S Orientation O.B.M. is taken out by our SEALs.  We had to overlook him calling us at 1:40 a.m. e.s.t. to share the good news.  Some things are worth being awakened for.  What a great preamble to the start of BUD/S for 289.  Mega-Hooyahs to 289 and all of our guys!
289's HW begins today.  Let's keep all these guys in our prayers.
289 Guys, this is a post I have used before but due to the fact I will be away from my computer very shortly and won't be able to post it till late, I am posting this early. Unusually I wait till about mid-afternoon, but here it is.

The process is in the early stage of starting. The guys are probably getting close to donning their Dress Uniforms and it won’t be long till they are secured. They will be in a room, tent or some other enclosure with no view of the outside. After changing into suitable clothing they’ll be free to relax, sleep, etc. while they wait inside the enclosure. When the sun sets tonight if you are driving down the Strand you’d notice the beach side of the street (where NSWC is located) is strangely dark. Only a few street lights are on and all windows will be blacked out if a light is on inside. It is an odd thing to see. When Breakout begins their door will be opened and several instructors will enter with machine guns firing (blanks of course), yelling instruction, yelling to hear their own voice and controlled confusion begins. As they leave their room they will be greeted with barrels that will be exploding to simulate battle and several instructors with water hoses making sure they are wet. The water they will be using will be cold but that’s not new to your guys. The machine gunfire, yelling and explosions will last for about 20 minutes to make sure everyone is wide awake. Once on the Grinder their fun begins. My GS Class had guys ringing the Bell and DORing within the first hour to hour and a half. This is normal. There will be Medics and Brown Shirts to ensure the guys are safe and injuries are taken care of quickly. Food won’t be plentiful but it won’t be total deprivation. No steaks, prime rib, tea or coffee but MREs will taste like the finest restaurant in town.

Now it is out of OUR hands, what happens will happen for a reason. Pray and keep good thoughts heading their way. That’s the only thing WE control this week. Their outcome will be decided by a much higher power than ours.

I ask each of you to stay strong and be positive if you hear from your guy before Friday. DOR is not the only reason you might receive a call. It could be illness or injury, but always remember everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we wonder “why?” but those answers will come with time and new accomplishments!

Each of you should be very proud of what your guy has accomplished to date, and regardless of how this week turns out, he has done what very few have even tried. My Family and I feel that each guy in class is a winner even if they do not make it to the end. I wouldn't have attempted that path 47 years ago regardless of my fitness or background. This is something that many dream of but very few accomplish. As we went through “Hell Week” I kept telling myself “No news is good news.” Then I’d remember “The Only Easy Day was Yesterday”. Those two thoughts are a roller-coaster of emotions and you will experience every single one. When this is over and you are talking with your guy listen for, and if you are there, watch the way he tells about his experience. He will be proud, smiling, and tell you that it wasn't that hard. As the weeks good by and you hear about what is going on ask your guy if the week was as hard as HW. My GS has told me he would rather go through HW again than some of the weeks that are ahead of them.

Good Luck to each of you and your guys. We’ll be keeping them in our thoughts and look forward to hearing about how much fun they had during the week.

The time is near, soon the Starting Gun will be fired. The timing will be a surprise to those starting their journey. For those who live in or are visiting Coronado they will be surprised but they will know not to call 911 it’s just the Navy. While the guys are prepared and expecting this they will loose their breath and sense of direction from the noise. Everyone hold on tight we are in for a bumpy ride.
HooYah Class 289, be strong, be safe give them ****.

“HOO YAH 289!!!!!!!”

Best to all in 289!!! Grandpa's right ,as usual. You're all in for quite  a ride.


HOO YAH 289!!!  

HOO YAH 289!!
My son is testing out today at great lakes.  Class 290 and they will head west this week to join the rest of his class.....   A very proud day for him and exciting.... not a day goes by that I don't think of him and the training he's doing.... HOO YAH Class 290....



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