Navy Dads

The beginnings of Class 293 are ramping up after their first PT.  Any other 293 Dads out there?

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Hi Russell, My son is at prep and in Class 293 as well.  We are getting settled in for what looks to be a long and bumpy road, one day at a time!

You both and your sons will be in my thoughts and prayers as you begin this journey!

Surf called us last night -  Their preB div was broken into groups for further training.  He was excited about the workouts increasing, and said the chow is edible.  Hoping they all stay healthy and ahead of the curve.

Russell, our son is also a member or 293; he is enjoying the increasing PT. States he dosen't have to get in trouble any more as he did in Boot to get in a workout - the fun is just beginning. 

Hello Russell and all-

Our son PIR 10/14 and is in 293 at GL and also glad to focus on increasing PT and prepping for SD.  Hoping all stay healthy and injury free.  To that end I hope all the boys have access to the following info: . I found it on youtube, but it's on the official Naval Special Warfare Website.

Scott and Mark, glad ya'll joined us. My Grandson graduated in Oct. of 2009 and went to his Team. If you have any question please let me know. Just send me a Friend Request and I will send you my personal Email address if you want to talk in private.


HooYah Class 293!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From what we've heard, they have a large talented group of coaches and instructors working with them - they have "classes" on all aspects for fitness, in addition to all of the workouts. Our son was a D-1 Lax player, and made it thru without significant injuries... Although that was a walk in the park compared to what they will be facing in the near future.  It's gratifying to know that there are capable young men willing to step up and serve our country.

Echoing Grandpa273  -   HooYah to Class 293!!!!!

Mark said:

Hello Russell and all-

Our son PIR 10/14 and is in 293 at GL and also glad to focus on increasing PT and prepping for SD.  Hoping all stay healthy and injury free.  To that end I hope all the boys have access to the following info: . I found it on youtube, but it's on the official Naval Special Warfare Website.


Lacrosse is a great sport, I'm just learning that. I was taken back when my younger son gave up baseball 4 years ago to be with the stronger athletes in Lacrosse (overlapping season). Sadly, in our area baseball is losing a bunch of the strong kids because of the huge growth in Lacrosse. But every day he comes of the field drenched in sweat and smiling. He loves it, and it's a better cross-sport with hockey.


Take a listen to this interview with SEAL Rorke Denver. He played LAX at Syracuse:

my son in prep gl his pir was 11 23 what class will he be in

Someone out there may have a better info, but your son may be in 294 or 295. Guess it depends on what the division sizes were in late Oct & early Nov.  They can only take a certain amount of recruits into BUDs at each class.  There may be some dropping out during BUDs Prep. Whatever the time is in Prep, the consensus seems to be that it is beneficial.  With the cost of training thru the BUDs/SQT evolutions, having the best-prepared guys going into the program is a good thing.


Good luck to your son!

kurt said:

my son in prep gl his pir was 11 23 what class will he be in


Kurt, I do not think all of 293 will make it to Coronado due to space issues there so best guess would 294 at the earliest. Probably February of next year.

I will try to find someone in GL or Coronado that might know and let you know.

Our son just called last night had some comments regarding the mock exit PT test and "running in the cold" he commented, the air temp was a crisp 35 degrees. The mock test included going immediately from one excercise test to the other and he stated his time suffered a little but well within the margin for passing. Looking forward to the holidays w/family and some well earned leave.



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