Navy Dads

The beginnings of Class 293 are ramping up after their first PT.  Any other 293 Dads out there?

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There are a couple good links that give an overview of what the guys will be faced with:


Be careful about posting dates - Check OPSEC!!


Guys, Please do not give dates of any Training or Travel on this site, we follow OPSEC rules here. Please read the OPSEC rules I you have not or do not remember the.

Thanks you for keeping all our guys safe.

Would like to join Class 293 since my Grandson jma is class 293.


Cul stated boats & logs was/is entertaining, he is especially enjoying the raw rash that has developed indicating where his belt rides his bdu's from the wet-sandy excursions. They certainly appear to getting all that they signed for and more.

Thanks tk.  Thanks Calvin.  Just reviewed OPSEC again.  Probably need to do that regularly.
tk said:


He would be in class 293.  Indoc and Basic Orientation (BO) are the same thing and last 3 weeks before phase 1 begins.  Phase 1 is 7 weeks long with HW being week 4.  Phase 2 is dive phase, class 293 is currently in week 5 and should complete it around Feb 10.

“Being a warrior is not about the act of fighting. It’s about the ability, courage, and commitment to end the war within oneself and not quit until the job is done.” — Richard Machowicz


These guys are a short 40 hours from getting this weeks job done! 

My son called last night and told us he finally made it.

Congratulations Troopers Dad!


That is good to hear troopers dad.

Well grandpa,  you know how long we been at this.  Just talked to him again and he sounds optimistic.  I am sure that will change over the next couple of weeks

I have not seen a 294 Group being started.

Yep...the chafing...the "belt" that is fast becoming a permanent mark on his body...the wet and sandy "field trips"...all that and more was shared in a phone call tonight.  Sounds like 293 is getting more than the previous class.  Coldest time of the year for SD is making this even more memorable than my son imagined. 

L Dave T said:

Cul stated boats & logs was/is entertaining, he is especially enjoying the raw rash that has developed indicating where his belt rides his bdu's from the wet-sandy excursions. They certainly appear to getting all that they signed for and more.



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