Navy Dads

My son started his hell week last night. Please take a moment to pray for his well being and success. Pray for AJM and his entire class.

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Thank you so very much!

Johnnazzaro said:
I will pray for your son, AJM and the others. John
Roger that! We all know what your son (and you!) will be going through over the next several days. Please let us know WHEN he's achieved this milestone. God IS with you.
My watch has never moved so slowly. I feel guilty sleeping! I will post his success when I get the call Friday that he has been secured

Jerry M said:
Roger that! We all know what your son (and you!) will be going through over the next several days. Please let us know WHEN he's achieved this milestone. God IS with you.
I just got home and started my computer and a reminder popped up reminding me that 1 year ago today my GS started Hell Week. I know what you are going through and My Family and I are keeping Your Family and Son and all of his Classmates in out Thoughts.

I sent you a friends request. If you except I will get back to you on this week.
Don't feel guilty sleeping! When you sleep -- try to imagine that your son is somehow benefitting from it. When you're relaxing in your easy chair -- believe that he's getting some rest. When you're taking a hot shower -- pray that your son is feeling the warmth. And when you're comfortable & dry -- hope that you're helping him withstand being wet & sandy! This is how I made it through my son's Hell Week this past June. He made it through! So maybe there's something to this. Either way, it made me feel like I was doing something to help him. Good luck!
That sound great! Thank you!

Jerry M said:
Don't feel guilty sleeping! When you sleep -- try to imagine that your son is somehow benefitting from it. When you're relaxing in your easy chair -- believe that he's getting some rest. When you're taking a hot shower -- pray that your son is feeling the warmth. And when you're comfortable & dry -- hope that you're helping him withstand being wet & sandy! This is how I made it through my son's Hell Week this past June. He made it through! So maybe there's something to this. Either way, it made me feel like I was doing something to help him. Good luck!
I'm sitting here and praying for AJM right now.
I know my son is going to need some prayers also in a few months
God Bless...
AJM DOR (dropped on request) as a Navy SEAL Candidate around noon today . To his disappointment, the knee which had been operated on back in 2007, could no longer support him under the physical demands of Hell Week.

His inability to personally "put out" quickly diminished the performance of his boat crew. The worse his boat crew performed the more they were all physically punished. AJM came to the realization he was no longer physically capable of keeping up and he was causing undue punishment upon the other members of his boat crew.

AJM is so thankful and appreciative of your unwavering support toward his quest to become a Navy SEAL.

AJM's next challenge is yet to be decided. His options are many and he will find his path forward in the service of his country over the coming weeks. We will keep you posted!

Of this I am completely sure, my boy has become a man, and we are all extremely proud of him.

Jim (SO Dad) said:
I'm sitting here and praying for AJM right now.
I know my son is going to need some prayers also in a few months
God Bless...
marcth5,I am so sorry to head this news. Not many get to go through this process and training. Please thank your Son for me for going this far. He has learned so much in a short peroid of time. Be Proud of you Son for thinking about his Boat Crew and how his injury was effecting them. It takes a Man to look around a realize that he has to do something or others will suffer. Hopefully there is something the Navy can do to repair the injury and with some time for recovery you Son will be able to try again. My Family and I are keeping him in our Thoughts and hope he will recover quickly. I am Very Proud of your Son and would really like to meet him. We will be in Coronado late next week and the week after and would really like to try and find your Son and visit with him. I will contact you later and see if there is a way to meet him and Thank him for what he has done.



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