Navy Dads

Son ships out with SO contract for GL today.  Looks like he will be in 812 when he gets there (if I'm projecting the BC classes correctly).


Can not believe how proud, scared, and OLD I feel this morning.


Any others Dads/Moms with future sailors shipping this week?



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Hello PapaUrsa!  Congrats to your son, and to you.  You're at the beginning of a long journey -- remember we're here to help you through it.  HOO YAH!  Jerry M

My son shipped out this week and is in the Seal Challenge program too. Maybe you and I will meet when we arrive for graduation in May. I relate well to your statement "Can not believe how proud, scared and OLD I feel this morning!" Amen

Praying for our sons... HooYah!


two books, if you have not already read them, detail the 30-month training for SEALS......"The Warrior Elite" and "The Finishing School" both by Dick Couch (a former SEAL).....the first volume deals with BUDS and the second SQT and subsequent training.....

If sitting and reading isn't your thing, I listen to the audiobook versions while I commute to/from can load onto your MP3 or as I do, my iPhone and play them through my car stereo......

You will be amazed at the level of training our SEALs go through....

My son shipped out to Great Lakes last week for the start of his Navy career.  He is going into EOD after basic.  One other great book to read about the seals is, "The Heart And The Fist", by Eric Greitens.  I have always respected and been in awe of the job the seals and other special forces perform, but after reading this book, it took the respect even higher.

that is excellent as well and is part of my library..................

Our son recently had his PIR and is now in Pre-BUD/S.  As you know, the first weeks at RTC are a test....not only for your son, but for you.  

Key milestones:

- "boy in a box" in about a week to 10 days

- Form letter with mailing address and PIR (Pass in Review aka: Graduation) date in about 2 weeks

- First letters from him arrive in about week four ( you should write often and send when you get the address)

- The first letters are certainly funny in hindsight - not so much when they arrive

- They are in VERY good hands and the Navy does know what to do

- None of your worrying will change anything so instead have faith in your son and the process

- Come to this site as needed - ask and re-ask questions - everyone here is on the same journey (or has been)

Yes, our son shipped out to GL on Tuesday, March 20. We received our 20 second phone call Tuesday night from RTC, so he's there and safe. At home he spent hours every day at the local HS gym, doing burpees, chin ups, etc, and I think he's eager to start the real training. We're hoping to attend his PIR, which I'm guessing will be on May 11. He received his SO contract last fall, so the journey begins.

Same day for my son. Same 20 second phone call. How do you suspect May 11? Just by counting the weeks? I'm ignorant about all this and the Navy has been stone silent about it all.... I really need to plan so I can get the time off....


dbcpa said:

Yes, our son shipped out to GL on Tuesday, March 20. We received our 20 second phone call Tuesday night from RTC, so he's there and safe. At home he spent hours every day at the local HS gym, doing burpees, chin ups, etc, and I think he's eager to start the real training. We're hoping to attend his PIR, which I'm guessing will be on May 11. He received his SO contract last fall, so the journey begins.

My son arrived about a week before yours and his graduation is May 4th, so likely yours is May 11.  My son is in Div 811.


I figured May 11 by counting the weeks and because that was the date my son calculated before he left. The reply by HGR seems to confirm that date. I'll make hotel reservations and ask for the time off based on May 11, and try to get confirmation from the recruiter next week. Please let me know if you're able to get something more definite as well. 

Yeah, I was hoping for a little later in May. I must be counting different. If it's May 11, I'm going to have to cancel a speaking appointment to make it in time, but I'd rather be at GL than in Seattle anyway.... :-)

We are got our call Thursday night/Friday morning at 12:42am.  He sounded in great spirits.


I was thinking he might be in 812 with a late May PIR myself...but if I knew I would be in the NAVY.


Thanks again for all the words of kindness and brotherhood.  Looking forward to meeting some of you at PIR in May.



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