Navy Dads

My son is still training, and getting ready for BUDs. I've never seen him work so hard. He is getting a lot of advice from some team members. He is getting close to sending in his packet to get a contract.

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My son also trained harder then I had ever seen him.  So much time went by I thought it was only a dream for him. He received a SO contract. He took delayed entry til May. he is still training,  has a mentor who requires documented workouts, he has even taken him to the beach for ocean workouts. We are very proud  


It appears our men will be classmates, at least while at Great Lakes as "classing up" for BUDS can be a bit fluid.  My son also ships with his SO contract in May.  His training regiment is intense not only individually, but also with his boat crew.  The good thing to see is how he is balancing his physical training with his emotional and mental training.  He is constantly visualizing successful completion of BUDS and training his mind to ignore the doubt demons that are bound to sneak in when the body is broken.

Best wishes for them both...


For PERSEC you should remove your last name on your site profile. 

I am following up to see how your son is doing in PREP?  Mine is really enjoying being able to train again following Basic Recruit Training.  He is also looking forward to getting 322 to Coronado where the real fun begins...

Hi all, my son just obtained his SO contract and will head to RTC in January. How are your sons doing? I'll admit we have no military background and still have much to learn. I'll let you know...I'm a Mom and was wondering how your Sailors moms are handling everything...I'm a a bit of a mess but trying to be strong for my son but sometimes it's not so easy.

Our son went through it a few years back and made it! Be very proud of what he is trying to obtain.Make sure he removes the "impossible " from his vocabulary. He will make it if he does not ring that bell.... Get the Discovery Channel's DVD BUDs Class 234 and you will be able to understand what a Great and Honorable Endeavor he is embarking on ......Hooyah 

Our son phases up from BUD/s Orientation tomorrow morning... He is prepared to stare down the beast and committed to being a team guy. 

JMH- Think of his desire to challenge himself and join the most elite team as a reflection of your efforts.  It is not an average person that would even consider the trial of joining the SEAL/s where there is not a solid core value.  In a world where many young people appear completely rudderless and adrift, the very thought that your young man is different should strengthen your resolve to support his efforts to the greatest degree possible.  Honor his commitment as your own. 

There is a lot of information on SEAL/ if you would like to better understand the sequence of your son's journey.

Thank you TAD and Patrick...I have been saving inspirational quotes and encouraging words that I can send him during RTC and "removing impossible from his vocabulary" is one I'll send him also. I wish I could take some credit for his decision but it's all him...he has always been so independent and "the desire to challenge himself" is straight from his mouth as one of his reasons. I am so proud of him, but I have always been proud of him for all his accomplishments! I wish both your sons much success and will pray for their strength and safety. How much contact were you allowed with your Sailor during pre-BUD/s and then BUD/s? Also is it advised that they have a vehicle on base in Coronado? He's not sure if he should hold onto his or sell it.

If you live close to Calif. and if it is good or favorite car of his, he should keep it. Upon graduation he will stay be assigned there,Hawaii or Virgina Beach.  My son bought a bicycle then bought a car after graduation. You son should be able to call on the weekends.


Your son will be able to call, text or Facetime/Skype after he graduates from RTC.  He will move to another base at Great Lakes to begin his 8-10 weeks of BUD/s Prep.  You will find that he has much more flexibility to communicate following RTC through all phases of training although I personally left the outreach up to my son so I do not take away from the things he needs to focus on during phase.  The last thing we as parents want to become is an added burden to an already stressful situation.  We are doing our best to ensure him that all things are good and he should have singular vision and focus.

We are located in the 13 western states but he did not take his vehicle to So. Cal and is not expecting it until after Hell Week is secured.  He did call before he "phased up" and said it would have been nice to have his vehicle, as at times it is important to get off base on the weekends to buy supplies and have an occasional change of conditions.  Some of his classmates did bring their cars and he is able to jump a ride with them or Uber around.

We are on the east coast but the vehicle is newer and paid for so just may hold onto it for a bit to see how things progress. He will have absolutely no communication pressure from us as I understand the focus required to succeed, but we will certainly drop everything when he reaches out to listen to and encourage him. Thanks for all your advice...I really appreciate it.



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