Navy Dads

Haven't seen my boy since Boot Camp graduation 7 weeks ago. He was to be in 278 but got rolled back into 279 due to shin problems. Thank God they let him stay. He had to go in front of a board and they kept 5 of the 30 men on LLD. The other 25 were reclassed out . I wonder if he will keep his room clean while he's home? Can't wait to see. I was in San Deigo last week on business and I thought about the men 2 weeks into class 278. It was very cool in the evenings! Bless our men!

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Good news about your boy, guess that is the bad thing about having increased numbers in the recruiemnt of these special men...they can be really picky...cause the is always another group with more to choose from. Have a great Fourth!!! Our Boy just started his path on the 26th at Great Lakes.
Like YESTERDAY? Where are you from? Great Lakes was GREAT for Drew. By his own admission he was no longer a "SH...T Head" having had gone through Boot Camp.
Yes, he arrived at Great lakes on the 25th and started Boot, we are from a small town in Idaho. My Boy was so excited to get his life's adventure underway. Very Focused on becoming a member of the SPECWAR Community.
How old is he. What's his background? When Drew left before I had an address for him I wrote a paragraph or two each day so when we finally did get to send him a letter it was already to go!
Already wrote and sent out his first letter, he had a good recruiter and she gave his div and ship along the address yesterday. My son, is 17 grew up pretty much like most kids up here. He was very good at martial arts, got gold medals at the state level when he was in grade school, then moved on to wrestling, loved camping and hiking and worked at the local Movie Theater. Midway in his junior year of high school he said he wanted to join the military, I didn’t really commit to this…wanted to see if he was serious. By the end of the school year he was adamant and looked at the Navy SWCC Program. We went up to the recruiter in Boise and met with the SPECWAR Rep, who was a retired SCPO SEAL and asked him why he had not considered the SEALs. His reply was he thought he was too short and not muscular enough for them. One thing led to another and he was dead set on SEALs and was reading, watching and talking about nothing else. I’m just happy he can get his chance to do it.
Marc G Mermel said:
How old is he. What's his background? When Drew left before I had an address for him I wrote a paragraph or two each day so when we finally did get to send him a letter it was already to go!
My Grandson was moved to the Smurff Crew (smaller guy) and he loved it. Things seemed to be better for him. He is now about 3 months and a few days from Graduation from SQT and getting his Trident. If you have any questions about the journey he is abuot to take let me know. I will send you a friends request so we can talk in private. Be sure to remove all pictures of you son from the internet including this site and remove his name. When refering to him use something that will not let anyone know who he is. Search OPSEC and PEREC for more info. He will need to remove all info from any site he has (Facebook, U tube and Myspace) as soon as possible. He will know when and if you break the PERSC and OPSEC rules. I will tell you in private.
Thanks for the good advice.
Glad to see there are others with sons in Division 841. My son has a friend in Division 840, so I'm glad to hear news from either of them. Making plans to be there for the PIR.




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