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Navy Cryptologic Technician

Navy Cryptologic Technician: Questions & Answers to what your Sailor will be doing in the CT Rating. This Support Group is for Families & Friends with CT's serving in the United States Navy.

Members: 27
Latest Activity: Apr 9, 2019

MEDITERRANEAN SEA (Nov. 18, 2013) Senior Chief Cryptologic Technician (Technical) Casey Bowman looks for air contacts at the air warfare coordinator watch station in the combat information center aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Stout (DDG 55). 

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CTR - Cryptologic Technician Collection

Started by E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin Aug 19, 2014. 0 Replies

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Comment by John Marx on December 19, 2016 at 9:36pm
Yes he had someone else going with him for the same language. His recruiter knew before he went in but like I said it wasn't official till he was in Monterey. I think he actually got a choice of a few once there but don't hold me to that.
Comment by John Marx on December 19, 2016 at 9:23pm
My son had a idea before he went to Bootcamp of the language he could get but did not get official word till he got to Monterey. It was the language he was expecting but it really depends on what languages are needed when they get there from what he told me.
Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on December 19, 2016 at 9:12pm

Since when does that happen in bootcamp?

Comment by John Marx on April 11, 2016 at 7:49am
Good morning. My son had his PIR last Friday (4/8) and headed to Monterey on Saturday. I just found NavyDads while in the hotel Thursday night. Looks like a great site.
Comment by Rick Dunn on March 20, 2016 at 7:03am

Can't speak to CTR's but our CTM went from Corry to Norfolk from A school. 8 months of additional training / learning / fitting ships for deployment ... then out on sea duty on a DDG for 9 mo. (we think it be about 9, he's been deployed for 4+ so far). The Navy seems kinda light on CT's so as Todd noted, there's a good chance they'll ship him from A school to where he's needed. There's a rather large CT shop at Norfolk (at least there is

for CTMs).

Comment by Todd J on March 19, 2016 at 7:39pm

First duty station depends on where the Navy needs them at the time. My sailor went right from Boot Camp to Corry for A/C school then to Norfolk and out into the fleet on a Destroyer. But that was 2010/2011  after his tour on the Destroyer he went to Goodfellow for more training.  That is when he re-upped for 6 years and went on to his next duty station where he'll be until next April or so. Then? 

Comment by Matt on March 14, 2016 at 12:54pm

Greetings CT Dads .. Have a question specific to CTR.. My Sailor is at Corry about 3/4 of the way through A school. He is doing well, not sure if he is top of his class but definitely in the 90s for an average at this point. I hear some of the other CT rates talking about a "dream sheet" and my sailor told me his instructor says there is no such thing for CTRs specifically. I get the different CT rates have different needs etc., so I can accept that, more just wondering about what people are seeing in general.. Considering OPSEC, what can any of you tell me about how often CTRs are just going to the fleet after A school, and how often are we seeing them get C school and which ones. He told me there are certain C schools he wants but has said besides how well he does A school, he has little control over which if any he could get. Also for planning purposes, we intend to go visit him over the weekend before his graduation, he mentioned he wasnt sure the grad date was solid, how often do they hold graduation for CTR A school on a date early or delayed from the announced graduation date?

Finally, where are you seeing CTRs getting for a first duty station?

I know most of my questions are looking for pretty specific info, just looking for what you have seen. If you feel posting the info is a violation, please feel free to PM me directly.

Thanks! Matt

Comment by Rick Dunn on February 27, 2016 at 6:59am

Hi Phil - didn't see an email re your post on the CT group a few weeks back. Welcome, or welcome back whichever is the case. It's a pretty limited group as there aren't a lot of CTs in service and not a lot that they, or we, can share (lol). Our sailor is about a year and a half in and a CTM3. He was frocked in as such last Nov, quite proud. He is currently on his first deployment aboard DDG-61 and seems to have had some great liberties in the Med. We're able to talk to him periodically w/ Facebook msgr. I didn't make it to Corry while he was there but my wife did and she would recommend a visit to anyone who has a sailor there. She loved the Navy lodge as well. Fair winds and following seas to your daughter!

Comment by Phil Shannon on February 9, 2016 at 2:54pm

Hi everybody- I thought I had joined this group years ago but must not have. I deactivated my FB account for the month of Feb, maybe longer. Too much politics BS on there (not on navy dads group of course) plus the owner won't shut up with his BS. One group i miss is Navy Dads so I'm trying to use this site for that. Our sailor has been serving for close to 4 years now, and her rank is CTT2. Volunteering for the US Navy is working out great for her, which is a great feeling as a dad (or mom I'm sure). She is a plank owner for the USS America LHA-6. While she was in Pensacola I got to visit her a couple of times, and I love and miss that place. Growing up I went all over Florida for winter vacations but had never been there before her A school. That Navy Lodge has to be one of the best locations, try to stay there by all means. Matt- Is your son at NAS Pensacola, or at Corry? My sailor went direct to NAS after PIR, for A school, and she went to Corry for C. NAS is a sweet base, I loved staying there. 

Comment by Matt on January 21, 2016 at 2:59pm

Thanks Rick and I will pass ALL of that on to my son. He will be inspired by your sons progress and his chance to express his opinion to ISIS. We do use FB quite a bit as I travel on business.. no better way to be all the way in India and get to video chat with my grandson. Sounds like your son has wasted no time in making the Navy experience his, congrats on his quick rise and thanks for his service as well.  Ill keep you all updated as mine hopefully does the same. 


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