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Navy History

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Latest Activity: Jul 26, 2017

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To HooYah or not to HooYah

Started by Mr. Sailorette. Last reply by Ron Fordham Jun 12, 2015. 1 Reply

This Day in Naval History - June 14

Started by NavyDads CoAdmin Jim Gramza Jun 14, 2012. 0 Replies

Origins of "Taps"

Started by Tony May 26, 2009. 0 Replies

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Comment by snooky on March 19, 2010 at 11:43pm
Thanks Paul, I should be sleeping but I have been searching Idid find a picture of the ship and he had to be on it by the date. It is frustrating!! LOL Good night
Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on March 19, 2010 at 10:21pm
I cannot point you to one source Snooky so I'd make a huge pot of coffee, put on some music and plan to spend tons of time in Google....there are several websites that list tons of info about various units and movments of certain units during the war.

I've spent tons of time trying to re-create the movements of my dad (593rd motor ambulance company) and haven't been very successful...I tried to get his records but his were parts of the millions that were destroyed by fire in the early 70's (?). Be sure to search by unit, but also by location and by MOS...lots of times personnel will start a site for say medical corps attached to Patton for example and have info sashed.......

Good luck with your can be frustrating but also a real detective story!! Keep us posted.....
Comment by snooky on March 19, 2010 at 10:20pm
Thank you I will try navy source.
Comment by Otto Mueller on March 19, 2010 at 9:44pm
also, Medals of America and other sites sell reproduction/replacement WWII medals
Comment by Otto Mueller on March 19, 2010 at 9:43pm
Go to and search the ship by LSM 159 The smaller assault and landing ships were built in very large numbers from the mid-war period till the end. They didn't give them names. LSM stands for Landing Ship Medium and would carry tanks (usually about six) and other larger vehicles that could be off-loaded by a beach landing. Often the crews would form an association of LSM ships, so you might find a group that had members from all LSM ships that served in the Pacific. Hope this helps
Comment by snooky on March 19, 2010 at 8:59pm
Hi, I need some help! I have been trying to find out info about my uncle who served in the navy between 6/24/44 honorable discharge 6/46. Little back round.The only thing I knew from my dad who served on the midway was he was in Japan during the atomic bombs. He died of cancer age 42 wife comitted suiicde not long after his death. My mom did not know much ,her family wasn't happy that he was to be drafted and she is dead now. I have only his dog tags and a religous saint the navy issued to carry in his pocket its like in a bullet casing. . So, I finally wrote to the right department and they found his records in the archives. I had to pay 60.00 for a copy. After months, I got them today and found out he was trained( BC) in Bainbridge Md. 9 wks,Basic Eng.Gulfport, Miss. 8 wks, class "A " Diesel school,San Diego, Ca, 5 wks. Fire fighting 2 days, assigned as a stricker(passed that training) for engineering artificer rating, (what ever that is )?Than he was sent to navy fleet training in san diego calif. for Landing craft school(pac)1/4/45. Than was assigned to Waipio,Amphibious base, San fran ,Calf. U.S.S. LSM 159. At this stage he was a MoMM3c(Motor Machinist Mate Third class V6.)Its so unbelieveable ! All that training!!Is this because a war was going on?When he got out, his ratings were As S2c F2c Flc(MoMM) Momm3c. He was awarded the Philippine liberation medal,Occupation ofJapan and Korea medal,American campaign medal, WarII victory medal,american theatre medal, asiatic pacific medal.I don't even know what they all mean?and a letter for serving aboard the USS LSM 159 because he was an active part in the occupation of the Japananese homeland, landing personal of the 836th army aviation engineers Battalllion and the 88th US army Signal Battallion at Shiogama and Niigata. Japan, Sept thur oct. 1945.,Signed by John Kennedy LT. Commanding officer. I hope, I didn't' bore you. But, I tried to find more info. on ship, picture etc. Is there a site for that kind of info? Also, can I get what medals he got. for display?By the way I showed my son how all his grades from training they are still in his records,LOL What ahistory in his records and he never talked about it! I want to learn more.
Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on March 19, 2010 at 8:01pm
It's on my list Otto....I hear it's an interesting read though, Maybe after the 7 I've got sitting on the table right now un-opened!!
Comment by Otto Mueller on March 19, 2010 at 7:56pm
Anyone read Six Frigates?
Comment by CCR on November 25, 2009 at 9:27am
Thanks Paige, I really like the content here, Just want to know if I can share some of it with our moms. So much good information here!
Comment by Paige on November 24, 2009 at 7:32pm
Welcome to our Navy History group!

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Posted by Joseph Hernandez on January 28, 2023 at 11:54am 1 Comment

Before A School

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My little sailor

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my dad skII Wolfcale

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Off to A School

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Son leaves for San Diego

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Form letter

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Boot Camp

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Bittersweet Happiness

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Pride and Honor

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Introducing Myself

Posted by John Lillyblad on March 18, 2020 at 4:38pm 5 Comments

Mail problems

Posted by Fernando Bolano on March 17, 2020 at 2:36pm 3 Comments

SHIP 06 DIV 100

Posted by Chris Koning on February 9, 2020 at 3:54pm 0 Comments

Ship 10 Div 114

Posted by Mike Cunningham on February 3, 2020 at 2:15pm 1 Comment


Posted by Mike Cunningham on January 15, 2020 at 1:23pm 2 Comments

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