Navy Dads

Our daughter reported for OCS on September 18. We received one phone call from her on September 20 and she seemed to be quite upset and homesick. Are there any other family members of this class out there who would like to share information and news of their LOs?

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Hi Bobby, hate to say but this is just the begining for her. our son went thru ocs class 21-10 last year, it was the hardest thing he ever did, the first four weeks are pretty much all fitness and how much they can endure, the second four is geared around the regulations, rules, lots of class room but mixed with the fitness which is now laid pretty much on self instruction, the last four are getting prepaired for the final exames, fitness test and the training of the class behind them. As the classes progress they are given more responbility training the underclass. you will not hear from you loved one now for at least two to three weeks, and when they call they are so horse and tired and the connections are so bad you can only pick out every other word or so, just enjoy this moment, it means the world to them. the one possitive thing is that after the first five weeks, they will hardly see their drill instructor any more and they are pretty much done degrading you, life gets better but the days are 18 to 20 hour at this time because you have to do your own work and lay out the work for the underclass, good luck and i"am sure she will be fine



Thanks for information, Richard. I have told her it will be the toughest thing that she will ever do but that she needs to remember that they are only doing their job to prepare her and at the end the DI will congratulate and salute her.


Richard Arnold said:

Hi Bobby, hate to say but this is just the begining for her. our son went thru ocs class 21-10 last year, it was the hardest thing he ever did, the first four weeks are pretty much all fitness and how much they can endure, the second four is geared around the regulations, rules, lots of class room but mixed with the fitness which is now laid pretty much on self instruction, the last four are getting prepaired for the final exames, fitness test and the training of the class behind them. As the classes progress they are given more responbility training the underclass. you will not hear from you loved one now for at least two to three weeks, and when they call they are so horse and tired and the connections are so bad you can only pick out every other word or so, just enjoy this moment, it means the world to them. the one possitive thing is that after the first five weeks, they will hardly see their drill instructor any more and they are pretty much done degrading you, life gets better but the days are 18 to 20 hour at this time because you have to do your own work and lay out the work for the underclass, good luck and i"am sure she will be fine



I am not in your clas but have gone through that misery on that first call. That call is AWFUL. After that call my wife and me just cried. Weeks later when he did get to call on a Sunday he was better, but that first one he was tired, homesick for us for what we were going through but not as much for him plus there was no privacy around all the phones in the hallway. Just realize that each call they are closer to getting call priviledges and closer to graduation.

My son is in class 03-12.  The just finished week four and RLP.  On his first call home, after a couple days there, he sounded awful.  He was sick to his stomach from the stress, hoarse from all the yelling, and very homesick.   All he wanted to do was quit and come home.  After the first week when he started getting letters from everyone and outpost was over he seemed to be doing a lot better.  It is still hard on them but now that he is in week five he says that it's not too bad.   My advise is write, write, write.  We write him a letter everyday.  Some days he may not get any, the next day he may get several. Encourage them constantly, let them know how proud of them you are, and get them informed on what is going on.  They don't have access to the news or TV so you are their eyes and ears on the outside.  Facebook is a good way to keep up with what they are going through.  Join the groups of earlier classes, read what their loved ones (LOs) are going through lets you know what yours in going through.  There is much more info there than on this site. (Sorry OCS Dads, but it is true)  Our class is US NAVY OCS 28AUG2011, but join the other classes too. OCS 16-11, OCS 01-12, OCS 02-12, OCS 04-12.

Danny, thanks for your comments. We have been doing everything you mentioned but unfortunately we received a phone call after Outpost. It was late Friday night after we thought she had made it. She had done well up to that point but was not able to handle the seabag which was larger than her. The good news is that she seemed to be in a much better state of mind than during our previous phone call and appeared to be more determined than ever to succeed. Even though she rolled they apparently offered her encouragement and told her that they would work with her to make sure that she improved and succeeded which I found surprising.

Danny McClure said:

My son is in class 03-12.  The just finished week four and RLP.  On his first call home, after a couple days there, he sounded awful.  He was sick to his stomach from the stress, hoarse from all the yelling, and very homesick.   All he wanted to do was quit and come home.  After the first week when he started getting letters from everyone and outpost was over he seemed to be doing a lot better.  It is still hard on them but now that he is in week five he says that it's not too bad.   My advise is write, write, write.  We write him a letter everyday.  Some days he may not get any, the next day he may get several. Encourage them constantly, let them know how proud of them you are, and get them informed on what is going on.  They don't have access to the news or TV so you are their eyes and ears on the outside.  Facebook is a good way to keep up with what they are going through.  Join the groups of earlier classes, read what their loved ones (LOs) are going through lets you know what yours in going through.  There is much more info there than on this site. (Sorry OCS Dads, but it is true)  Our class is US NAVY OCS 28AUG2011, but join the other classes too. OCS 16-11, OCS 01-12, OCS 02-12, OCS 04-12.



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