Navy Dads

My son just selected for the E2/C2 from Pensacola.  He'd hoped for jets and had been top of his group with recommendations but unfortunately they didn't have any open slots the week he did selection.  He's excited to be heading to Corpus Christi to begin his training.  I have no real knowledge of the pipeline for the E2/C2 pilot.  Can someone explain it for me? How long is this training, where will they most likely end up, etc. 

Thank you!

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My son wanted (and was selected for) jets.  I wanted him to go C2!  

Pipeline info here:

If E2, he will be in a squadron.  C2's are detachments of two planes assigned to a carrier air wing (I think).

More info here:  If you want to ask questions, you can get answers from USN Aviators.

Enjoy the ride! 

Thank you!

My son is just happy to be flying.  I think he's leaning towards C2 right now, but you know how it goes..."needs of the Navy"!  

Where is your son in his training?  

Wow, congratulations!  My son is moving to Corpus Saturday.  It may be a long process for him with the backlog due to the T45 problems!  I know you're proud of your son.  What a great accomplishment!

The OBOGS problems are a serious concern.  The pipeline has a life of it's own---you can follow the schedule, which is cool.  Many pilots say the pipeline is the best time in a Naval Aviator's career!

How do you follow the schedule?  That would be interesting!

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How is your son doing?  Should be winged by now?  My son is in his squadron (F/A-18E) working hard.  


Funny you should ask. He just did his winging ceremony on Saturday. Off to Norfolk now. Exciting times. Congratulations on you son, I'm sure he's crazy busy with that!

Congratulations!  So your son got E2's? 

The RAG is about a year.  He will CQ again and then patch into his first operational squadron.  The C2 is in transition to the MV-22:    

My son was in Meridian (and winged there), same training for jets as Kingsville.  E2's are based in Norfolk,VA, Pt. Mugu, CA, and Iwakuni Japan.

My nephew is a Hawkeye NFO and is now the Commodore of the E2/C2 fleet.   His change of Command Ceremony was last month at Pt. Mugu.  It's a very beautiful area.  My wife and I attended with my son (he was able to fly a cross country in an F/A-18E!).

Very exciting times indeed!  It was good to hear from you Melissa.  

So far E2orC2, with his preference being E2, but there's constant talk about switching him to Strike. It's enough to make you crazy. I wish they'd just make a decision. He'd be thrilled to switch, but he's thrilled to be doing his advanced training for E2/C2. So he's happy either way as long as he's in the air! We will see how it all plays out!

Congratulations on your nephew! That is truly a huge achievement!



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