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Navy Rescue Swimmer Dads


Navy Rescue Swimmer Dads

Navy Rescue Swimmer: Questions & Answers to what your Sailor will be doing while serving as a Rescue Swimmer. This group is for families of children who have chosen Naval Aviation and have chosen the Rescue Swimmer rating to serve our country.

Members: 92
Latest Activity: Jul 6, 2021

Rescue Exercise HS-14 of USS GW

Discussion Forum

RSS Graduate

Started by Chuck McCann. Last reply by Chuck McCann Oct 16, 2017. 7 Replies

Navy Rescue Swimmer highlighted in the book "Valor"

Started by Berin Brenda. Last reply by NavyDads Admin (Paul) Jul 16, 2014. 1 Reply

Our Son's Aircrew Candidate School Starts 14 January 2014

Started by Keith Broadfoot. Last reply by Keith Broadfoot Mar 3, 2014. 4 Replies

SERE School

Started by Danny Maxwell. Last reply by Jeff Jul 29, 2013. 5 Replies

SERE training

Started by Jeff. Last reply by Jeff Jul 29, 2013. 4 Replies

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Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on March 15, 2011 at 1:08pm
please offer Garrett a HooYah for the duties they are performing in Japan right now.  Many read with rapt attention these sorts of posts...I've copied your post and sent to a number of ex-Navy folks I know at the various mines...keep us posted as to progress in dealing with this horrific event.....
Comment by Brad on March 15, 2011 at 8:01am
Garrett called last night.  He had the day off after working 20 hours the day before.

HS-14 sent helos up to evacuate 600 people from Takata.  The early helos were able to move people out.  This was supported by other helos from the Japanese and other commands.

From what we can figure out...  As the set of 6 additional copters from Atsugi approached, the mission changed from evacuation to SAR.  The flight up north of Sendai took 2.5 hours.  They had to go around a "no-fly" zone to stay away from the reactors.  They landed once to refuel at a Japanese Army base.... Once in the area Garrett's group of 6 helos split up and searched different grids.  Garrett said there were SOS signals everywhere.  The people would wave, give peace signs, and smile as they approached.  No injuries.  The victims mostly needed supplies and water... They landed in a backyard (talented pilot supported by the guys in back) and as crew chief, Garrett stayed on board.  The air crewman acting as rescue swimmer went to talk to a group of men.  One or two spoke English fairly well.  Their house was undamaged and they didn't want to evacuate.  A mom and little girl were taking pictures of the Americans from their upstairs bedroom window next door!  Garrett's crew left to fly around looking for some resources for them  A set of fire trucks and other rescue vehicles were spotted.  They landed and talked to the Japanese.  They were doing extractions from the rubble.  No food.  No water to send.  The helo went back to the original group and gave them 10 blankets and all the food and water they had on board.

The Navy sent a photographer with them on their helo.  Those pictures will probably make it to the Navy Newsstand soon.  They also use the pics to inform the next flights that go out - which areas were covered, which areas needed food/water.  Flights left Atsugi right away after they debriefed.  So you can say that they are working round the clock.

Garrett's evaluation of the area is that these people (could be as many as 1000) are totally stranded.  the ocean is on one side, there are heavily forested mountains on the other.  The only roads are impassable.  The only way they will get supplies/rescue is by air.  There are boats on top of houses.  If a house is standing, it might have debris 15' high piled up around it from the swirling waters.  In some places it looks like the only reason the tsunami stopped is cause it rolled into the mountains.

Everyday since Friday there have been other earthquakes.  Tsunami warnings have been issued... While we were talking, the base lost power with the rolling blackouts to conserve energy.  Garrett and others have been told to stay indoors because radiation levels have been detected.

I told Garrett about the phone calls and e-mails and prayers here within our circle of friends.  He loves to hear about you as well.  He is grateful for your concern and support.

Comment by Danny Maxwell on March 4, 2011 at 4:20pm

Hi Brent, I'm pretty sure I saw your sons RSS class today a couple of times.  The first time they were outside of the RSS building getting some feedback from their instructors, if you know what I mean.  The second time it looked like they were on a run along the seawall.  Here's a photo of my sons A school graduation, it was a nice ceremony, real quick and to the point.  It seems each graduation gets a little more low key but it was nice to be there.


Here's a pic of his class, Tom's kneeling, second from the right


Comment by Danny Maxwell on March 3, 2011 at 8:29pm

Hi Brent and everyone else, greetings from the cradle of Naval Aviation, I just love coming down here, the history gives me the chills.  The main thing my son told me about RSS was the same thing they've been telling them all along, attention to detail and team work, that will see them through. My son actually told me that RSS was better than boot camp, at least you really know what's

expected of you.  I'm sure your son will be fine.


Comment by Brent on March 3, 2011 at 7:58am
He just started RSS on Monday.  He said it is all difficult, but he can do it, and he will not quit.  He said: "dad, there is nothing fun -at all- about rescue swim school".  I reminded him that it is a relatively short time that he will have to endure.
Comment by Danny Maxwell on March 2, 2011 at 3:51pm

Hi Brent, if your son has made it through this far fairly "chitless" than he should be in good shape so no worries.  The instructors always seem to have a running count of how many chits everyone has and it seemed the fewer you had, the more they left you alone.  How far is your son through RSS and how does he like it so far?



p.s. I'll take some pics of A school grad and post them later

Comment by Brent on March 2, 2011 at 1:17pm

Danny - thanks - my son may have gotten one yesterday in RSS, but he was not sure.  If so, this would be his first.  Congrats on your sons accomplishment!  We are hoping and looking forward to that day.

Comment by Danny Maxwell on March 2, 2011 at 1:06pm
Hi Brent, my son Tom told me a counseling chit is like a warning ticket for usually a rules violation, not following an instruction or maybe not learning something as well or as fast as you're supposed to.  He said the more chits you get, the better the possiblity you may get rolled back so they're not a desirable thing to have.  I think Tom might have had one or two total during ACCS, RSS and A school, which he graduates from on Friday.  Hope this helps.
Comment by Brent on March 2, 2011 at 7:37am
Ok, what's a "counseling chit"?  And how bad is it to get one.
Comment by Ken on March 1, 2011 at 7:51pm
Brian, Brandon likes to stay busy all the time. He told us he's been jumping off water falls, golfing, snorkling, he got his diving license, and doing something called hashing. looked that up and he pretty much pays to run an obsticle course on the island. He loves it.

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