Navy Dads

Hey there! Hi there! Ho there!

My son enlisted in October of last year. He was to report to Great Lakes, tomorrow, April 11th. There was an issue with his fingerprints and that finally got straightened out and he was told he could go anytime between now (that was in early March) and September. I have to tell you I was prepared for him to leave this week. My husband, former USN, said their motto is "Hurry up and wait!" I guess this is my learning to deal with the unknowns I will be dealing with once Ricky (Richard once he leaves he declared) goes to Boot Camp... UGH! I need prep time. He's telling me now, he may only get a weeks notice. He will be going A School at Goose Creek for Nukes. Will his Boot Camp depend on A School schedules? I'm so confused... Mentally, this is exhausting.

Thanks for your input!

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His ship date won't be determined by A-School schedules. They start a new class there every week. If his issue with his fingerprints is straightened out they are, most likely, just waiting on a slot to open up for him at boot camp. It's pretty much a numbers game. They have X number of billets for each training group to fill. If one opens up then it usually gets filled right away by someone wanting to ship early. Essentially what happened was when he was delayed with his fingerprint issue someone took his spot. I would, however, venture a guess that he will go sooner rather than later. When I was a Recruiter it seemed like it wasn't too hard to get someone's ship date rolled up. Feel free to contact me with any questions about Nuke School as well. I was an instructor there from 2011-2014.

Thank you Scott. Fingers crossed!

Any word on a ship date?

No... My dad retired USMC thinks they may be holding on to include him when they may miss a quota this summer. I'm not happy about the delay. I need him gone! I love him but he's become lazy, disrespectful, and ugh!
Tuesday his recruiter confirmed a May 30th ship date. He leaves for MEPS on Memorial Day. Poetic justice there... I'm all the sudden very nervous and anxious... Sleep is hard to come by... with less than 2 weeks notice, changing my schedule to meet with the recruiter will be difficult but I will get there come he'll or high water.

Glad to hear he got a ship date. Gives me hope that my son will know in a few months when he leaves.
TheMindy Meacham Berry-Hinkley said:

Tuesday his recruiter confirmed a May 30th ship date. He leaves for MEPS on Memorial Day. Poetic justice there... I'm all the sudden very nervous and anxious... Sleep is hard to come by... with less than 2 weeks notice, changing my schedule to meet with the recruiter will be difficult but I will get there come he'll or high water.



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