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Navy Nukes

Navy Nuke: Questions and Answers to what your Sailor will be doing as a "Nuke" in the United States Navy. This support group is for the families and friends with Sailors serving in the U.S. Navy Nuclear Program / Power Nuke School.

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Latest Activity: May 25, 2023

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Nukes: How They Got There

Started by Jerome May. Last reply by Rocco A Cavallo Mar 29, 2018. 1 Reply

Cliff's Notes on Prototype Training

Started by Scott Henry Nov 21, 2017. 0 Replies

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Comment by Michael Stephens on May 26, 2012 at 4:39pm
As Memorial Day approaches, those of us attached to the Military Family, either by those who have served, those who are serving (whether in training, deployed, or in support), or those who have lost loved ones in their act of service to this country, will no doubt have a closer tie to the real meaning of Memorial Day. Although a good portion of people "celebrate" this day of honoring our country's fallen by attending family gatherings, enjoying time away from the workplace, or just chilling out, I certainly hope (as I know you most likely do) that time is taken out sometime on Monday (3PM local) to stop and reflect on the true meaning of this day of observance, a day that we should all look at our banner, the good 'ol Stars and Stripes, recalling the importance of the stripes (white for courage and red for the blood shed for this country), a day to remember our all those who have served and died defending freedom, a day to remember those that are still serving this country and their families who give up so much in their support.

As a proud parent of Nuke, one that is working his why through A-School as he pursues EM status, I feel an added attachment to the importance of Memorial Day. Knowing all those that have come before him and all those after who have or are placing themselves in harm's way to defend our nation, and frankly our freedom, is a humbling experience for a Navy Dad. However, I consider the hard work and dedication to their studies, their physical preparedness, and their increased confidence and see the qualities of all those who have led the way; those that make me stand a little taller as I know that my son and his shipmates are called to a higher purpose for this country, whether noted by the holiday revelers or not. I pray for them daily, asking God to give them strength, purpose, and most of all His protection.   

On this Memorial Day weekend, I know that those in the Military Family will take time to stop and reflect, as we probably do each and every day. As we remember the fallen, let us also remember those who have served, are serving, and will serve. Most of all, lets remember our sons, daughters, husbands, and wives who are preparing themselves to defend this great country!
Comment by jeremy mcelroy on May 18, 2012 at 2:10pm
Which is why there are beq buildings on the base
Comment by William in Nashua on May 18, 2012 at 11:24am

Maybe I am wrong but my understanding was that single  nuke E4s who are submarine volunteers can still get paid BAH because unlike on an aircraft carrier, on a submarine you do not even have your own rack to sleep in.  On an aircraft carrier you may have to live on the ship because they have room for you on the ship.   If there is room in the BEQ they can put you there but it is supposed to be a single room and you share a bathroom with another sailor.   If there is no room they can force E4s to double up two but that is not the regulation quarters for a petty officer.

At prototype you can pocket some of the BAH if you live in a house with enough other sailors.

Comment by KS Dad on May 16, 2012 at 7:54pm

Ric Pallson's description sounds very familiar. It's hot and hard and dangerous work down in the bottom of the ship. Especially if you're around the equator. My son (MM3) has been in for 3 years and one deployment in Operation Enduring Freedom. He's undecided as to his career future.

Comment by Gary Summers on May 14, 2012 at 3:10pm

For my first post, I certainly didn't expect the amount of reply's that I got. I do appreciate everyone's input on the matter. It is really appreciated and I have mentioned it to my son the response that I have gotten. Thank you all.

Comment by mlongst on May 14, 2012 at 2:45pm

Gary,  my son also PIRed on 4/27 and was one of the lucky one's who didn't  ship out until Sunday morning so we had an extra day with him.  He classed up today down in Goose Creek.   He enjoyed the two weeks of "leisure"  but was eager to class up and get rolling

Comment by lsdemme2001 on May 14, 2012 at 2:02pm

I agree with everything that Ric stated below.  My son is an ET2(N) on the Carrier Enterprise.  He has been in almost six years now.  He re-enlisted almost two years ago for another six years.  On his second deployment now.  The promotion timeline is exactly the way Ric describes it.  They get to E-5 pretty quickly.  Then regular promotion schedules kick in, except that the promotion opportunities for Nukes is greater than most other ratings in the Navy.  The boring part about being a nuke that Ric mentions is exactly the way my son describes it as well!   

Comment by Ric Pallson on May 14, 2012 at 1:15pm

All the super-quick promotions in the first 2 years are part of the incentive program for Nukes.
You get to the fleet get promoted E-5 almost as soon as you get there,
Then things get back to normal Navy. 2 years in grade. Quals quals quals.
Deploy deploy.
Daughter on Abe 2nd deploy extended twice -- won't get on land this month like we thought - maybe August. But might make E-6 before that happens - waiting on the results of the March promotion process.
She's been in 4+ years now and likes it -- but being a Nuke is "boring"
Likes her officers, supports her shipmates, on the carrier only sees sunshine once a week or so. It's always 100 degrees in the engine room, but she keeps in shape because every watch she climbs up and down many 5-deck ladders - the engine room on a carrier is huge.
Not counting shaft alley and bilges.
Don't know if she'll re-enlist.
She likes it ok so far. MM2(N)
Take care all -

Comment by Mike K on May 13, 2012 at 9:13pm

I do imagine that it would be different for those who go onto carriers vs subs out of prototype being they work on subs.  Once they get on the subs though they still need to qualify for every watch station, nothing is automatic out of prototype.

Promotions seem to be a funny thing.  Yes, they are promoted to 3rd class(E-4) upon graduation from A School.  My son is on an attack sub and graduated prototype in Jan 11', reported to his boat in early February and was promoted to 2nd class in May from his results on his 2nd class test.  He says he must stay in rate for two years before he is eligible for 1st class.

Comment by KenH on May 13, 2012 at 9:03pm
Right now my main concern is seeing him succeed at A-School; starts tomorrow

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