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Navy Nukes

Navy Nuke: Questions and Answers to what your Sailor will be doing as a "Nuke" in the United States Navy. This support group is for the families and friends with Sailors serving in the U.S. Navy Nuclear Program / Power Nuke School.

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Latest Activity: May 25, 2023

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Nukes: How They Got There

Started by Jerome May. Last reply by Rocco A Cavallo Mar 29, 2018. 1 Reply

Cliff's Notes on Prototype Training

Started by Scott Henry Nov 21, 2017. 0 Replies

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Comment by Joshua C. on March 14, 2011 at 8:28am
Fair winds to all the kids starting prototype at Goose Creek today.
Comment by htsanjose on March 13, 2011 at 11:11pm

Hi Craig

It's nice to see you back, and give us a very good story! Thank you.

Comment by old Lt on March 13, 2011 at 7:03pm
Hi Thanks for the thoughts on cars @ nuke school. I cut and pasted them and sent them out. the boy has a car down there but is looking for something nicer. Go figure, I walk to the train station
Comment by KS Dad on March 13, 2011 at 6:46pm
Thanks for that story Craig. I really liked it.
Comment by old Lt on March 13, 2011 at 6:23pm
Nice to see you back Craig. Must be a little better, not writing at 0300 now. LOL
Comment by Craig on March 13, 2011 at 5:31pm
With the problem in Japan, it's time to revisit an old article....


You know, there is so much criticism toward the US and Americans in general that perhaps it's time for those who are the most vocal about the policies of the US and the lack of appreciation for the aid offered by all Americans to the peoples of the world to do without our help for a period of 6 months. Just see who will step up in our absence. That would be very interesting. When nations need help, they don't call on the UN, they call on the US. They know where real help come from.


This is a message from a Boeing test pilot in Europe, describing his reaction when a smug European mocked the United States for sending an aircraft carrier to the Indian Ocean to provide tsunami relief. Clearly a lot of Europeans have forgotten recent history (WWI, WWII and the Cold War). And clearly some of them are ungrateful people. Or are they simply envious?

---- Here is the message -----

Boeing Test Pilot Tells It Like It Is . January 4, 2005

Today, during an afternoon conference that wrapped up my project of the last 18 months, one of my Euro colleagues tossed this out to no one in particular: "See, this is why George Bush is so dumb. There's a disaster in the world, and he sends an Aircraft Carrier!" After which he and many of my Euro colleagues laughed out loud. Then they looked at me. I wasn't laughing, and neither was my Hindi friend sitting next to me, who had lost family members in the disaster. I'm afraid I was "unprofessional" ... I let it loose.

"Hmmm, let's see, what would be the ideal ship to send to a disaster? Now what kind of ship would we want? Something with its own inexhaustible power supply? Something that can produce 900,000 gallons of fresh water a day from sea water? Something with its own airfield? So that after producing the fresh water, it could help distribute it? Something with 4 hospitals and lots of open space for emergency supplies? Something with a global communications facility to make the coordination of disaster relief in the region easier?  Something that can deliver food and supply, and help using it helocopter to remove debris to help the country to return to normal?

Well, Franz, we peasants in America call that kind of ship an Aircraft Carrier! We have 12 of them. How many do you have? Oh that's right, NONE. Lucky for you and the rest of the world, we are the kind of people who share. Even with people we don't like. In fact, if memory serves, once upon a time we peasants spent a ton of money and lives rescuing people who we had once tried to kill and who tried to kill us. Do you know who those people were? That's right, Franz, Europeans. There is a French Aircraft carrier. Where is it? Right where it belongs! In France of course! Oh why should the French Navy dirty their uniforms helping people on the other side of the globe?

How Simple... The day an American has to move a European out of the way to help in some part of the world it will be a great day in the world!" The room fell silent. My Hindi friend then said quietly to the Euros: "Can you let your hatred of George Bush end for just one minute? There are people dying! And what are your countries doing? has helped more than France has. You all have a role to play in the world, why can't you see that? Thank God for the US Navy, they don't have to come and help, but they are. They helped you once and you should all thank God they did. They didn't have to, and no one but them would have done so. I'm ashamed of you all."

He left the room, shaking and in tears. The frustration of being on the other side of the globe, unable to do anything to assist and faced with people who could not set aside their asininity long enough to reach out and help was too much for him to bear. I just shook my head and left. The Euros stood speechless.

Later in the break-room, one of the laughing Euros caught me and extended his hand in an apology. I asked him where he was from, he said "a town outside of Berlin." He was a young man, in his early 20's. I asked him if he knew of a man named Gail Halvorsen. He said no. I said "that's a shame" and walked away to find my Hindi friend. For those of you who may not remember, Gail Halvorsen was the transport pilot responsible for the "candy drop" during the Berlin Air Lift. They called him the "Candy Bomber" as he dropped goodies for all the Berlin children from his C-54.
Comment by Craig on March 13, 2011 at 5:25pm

Jim - Hey, I back.  Hopefully this is the last time to the emergency room because I feel like a dang pin cushion. 

Yea the Chicken Mamas are a force not to mess with.  Those women are as tight as bonded as can be.  They send gifts and letters to each sailor who is feeling down and needs a little lift.  Every mom knows so much about the field their son/daughter is in, that they pass the info on.  Sue is an expert in the nuclear field.  She know it. 

Now it's time to get back to what this section is all about, the nuke field....

Comment by Susan J on March 12, 2011 at 1:57pm

Jim...just got a text from Craig's wife, they sent him home around 4 this morning...they have adjusted his meds...I am sure he will get back on here as soon as he feels a bit better.

I know Craig as his wife is part of my circle of navy moms we call...CHICKEN MAMAS! there are 12 of us that keep track of all our goings on with our kids and each other...known each other for about 4 years through all our ups and downs with each other and our sailors. I have met Craig and had lunch with him when he came to Reno and my son met him and some of the other chicken mamas when they were in San Diego a while back. We send letters when needed and gifts to each other and our kids! And no, Craig doesnt live any where close to me, but I am one of his moderators on his navydep site

Comment by Susan J on March 12, 2011 at 12:28pm
OK..update on Craig AGAIN..he is back in the hospital as of last night..lots of prayers needed!
Comment by htsanjose on March 12, 2011 at 12:23am

Hi KS Dad

My daughter just emailed me from the Ronald that she is fine.

When your son report to the ship, remind him to bring a blanket.

My daughter did not bring one with her to the ship. She had to send an email asking mom to mail it to her. Of course we did it right away! 


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