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Navy Nuke: Questions and Answers to what your Sailor will be doing as a "Nuke" in the United States Navy. This support group is for the families and friends with Sailors serving in the U.S. Navy Nuclear Program / Power Nuke School.

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Latest Activity: May 25, 2023

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Nukes: How They Got There

Started by Jerome May. Last reply by Rocco A Cavallo Mar 29, 2018. 1 Reply

Cliff's Notes on Prototype Training

Started by Scott Henry Nov 21, 2017. 0 Replies

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Comment by mlongst on June 10, 2014 at 1:54pm

JoeM,  My son is moving now from GC to Bangor Wash.   According to him the Navy will move only from one site.  So he and his new wife are moving the furniture etc.  that they have in GC to WA.   There is still alot of  "stuff"  here at home in NY but he will have to take what he can fit in his Jeep after his  30 day leave and the rest we will have to store ( or have a garage sale).

Comment by B'sNukemom&dad⚓️MM on June 9, 2014 at 2:13pm

Bob - my son is also in BS.  He got there in January, started proto on 4/14 and just today went "on-crew".  They were given a grad date in September (can't remember the exact date).  Originally he was MARF but was moved to S8G.  I know with all the downtime not to count on the September grad date but it sure is disconcerting to hear how long some of your sailors have waited!  Boy that's a long time......I know my son said there are many there who started proto (long) before his class but will graduate AFTER because of the MARF issues.

Hurry up and wait, right?!

Comment by Joe M on June 9, 2014 at 1:16pm

David's Mom, thanks for the info.  

So apparently, moving from a training base sounds no different than any other assignment.  I'm still researching, but they are supposedly entitled to a 'home-of-record' move that pays for moving household goods from their hometown to an assigned base.  They can use this special move once in their career.  This info has been told to me by several former Air Force and Army people I know.  As you already know, they'll also move your goods from your last base back to your home when you're discharged.  You supposedly have a year to use it in the event you might stay in the area around your base longer (wife's job etc.)

Do you know if David elected not to use this after making E5 or was maybe not aware?  

Comment by Bob Brown on June 7, 2014 at 7:28pm
My son is at BS. Some to him today, he said they opened up more quals to them, so at least he can start making progress again on those. When they are limited it's a pretty boring existence of working 8 or 12 hr shifts and not really moving ahead with the program. He turned down a staff instructor position because of the additional time requirement. Time will tell if that was the right move. I have encouraged him to get to the fleet and get that part figured out before he obligates himself to more time...I understand the MM's and EM's are moving through Proto quicker, as are sailors in the other plant. Things will proceed at the navy's pace and no one else's, one can be sure of that.
Comment by Joe M on June 7, 2014 at 6:16pm

Does anyone know if the Navy pays for moving of household goods after prototype to their new base?  Somewhere I've gotten the impression they might not since it's from a training base.  Anyone know for sure?  

He's single and doesn't have a lot of stuff with him at Goose Creek, but it's more than he can fit in his car.  

He's also thinking of doing a 'home-or-record' move, which the Navy is supposed to pay for to get all his stuff currently at my house moved to his new base either when he heads there from leave or shortly after getting there and settling in.

I want to make sure that if the Navy does pay for a move from GC that it won't disallow him to move his stuff from home (at their expense) since there's a lot more stuff here at the house.

In other words, might the Navy allow only one or the other per set of orders??

Comment by Joe M on June 7, 2014 at 6:05pm

Bob, Troy:   That seems to be the nature of prototype, although starting in Sept and finishing in Oct of following year does seem extraordinarily long.  Are your sailors at GC or BS?

Comment by Bob Brown on June 7, 2014 at 11:07am
Our son, (ET) Eric says he won't be finished till early October...not sure what to think about that. He says he's doing well, but hasn't been able to get necessary quals done because of problem at site...he finished near the top of both A school and NPS (#2 at both)and is sure frustrated it's taking him this long to finish Proto, been at it since September. Not sure if I'm getting the whole story or not...says there have been plant issues.
Comment by Troy Baker on June 7, 2014 at 9:57am

FYI, I am trying to start a group to support sailors (not parents)  Or if your sailors want to support younger nukes, send them this link.

Comment by Troy Baker on June 7, 2014 at 9:55am

Well my son is seeing the end! He is on the weekend off before T-week and the 4 day break.  They were delayed a bit due to problems at prototype this spring, but he needs one more watch signature, and a number of final sign offs before his oral boards.  He was supposed to take his comp yesterday, so he is glad to be almost done with this journey. There are several of them almost done, but the whole group will not be done until July with an August grad date.  He is looking forward to some downtime!  Now we pray he finishes and gets those orders!

Comment by Joe M on June 5, 2014 at 6:19pm

Well I finished up what I wanted to write in the starter post of the "STAR Reenlistment" discussion topic. I added some info on reenlistment bonuses and the unusual way in which they are calculated for Nuke STAR enlistees. Hopefully it will help someone down the road.

I haven't posted much on this two year, one month, and 28 day journey, but I have lurked here and learned a lot. I just wanted to contribute something back. I've been reseaching as much as I can on the subject so I thought it worthwhile to summarize it here.

I hope those with first hand experience will contribute. Actually, if all goes as planned tomorrow, I guess I will have first hand experience (from a parent's point of view at least) as my son is set to graduate prototype and sign his STAR reenlistment contract immediately afterward.

I really thought I'd have more time to discuss this with him because I had read several places that while under prototype command the only students who were approved to STAR were those chosen for "Staff Pickup (SPU)" as they were staying in training command. Apparently that is not the case and he quickly made up his mind when they pitched it. There are pros and cons to the decision, but in the end I do have to remember that it is soley his to make.

I hope you all have the chance to be better prepared when the time comes.


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