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Navy Nuke: Questions and Answers to what your Sailor will be doing as a "Nuke" in the United States Navy. This support group is for the families and friends with Sailors serving in the U.S. Navy Nuclear Program / Power Nuke School.

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Nukes: How They Got There

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Comment by jeremy mcelroy on February 5, 2014 at 12:17pm
Absolutely most people can pass the exams without cheating and many of them do. A lot of the cheating seen comes from newer personnel on the boat who are made to take these exams over topics they dont yet have any clue about. So instead of failing and having to retake them they just make sure they pass it.

Other times as I said tests become redundant and people just get tired of it. There are times when you are taking a different exam every week. People rather just get past the exam as quickly as possible and go about other things.

My whole 7 years on the boat I only came across less than a handful of nukes who you know not once would cheat in some form on an exam of any kind
Comment by jeremy mcelroy on February 5, 2014 at 12:11pm
Yes I am and still currently in, shore duty noy really in a nuclear role right now though. Spent 7 years on my boat. There was no reason to tell anyone about it. Those people are called buddy fckers on the boat and don't tend to lead a very nice life if labeled as such.

Cheating on an exam in no way constitutes an inability for a person to do their job. If a person showed an inability to actually perform their job then they would be dealt with accordingly. Many people on the boat our amazing at their job however the constant examinations over and over again and the nitpicking that comes with them for all the little details they want lead people to just doing what it takes to get past the exam and move on to actually doing work
Comment by Grant Miller on February 5, 2014 at 12:11pm
If they truly know their jobs, then why do they need to cheat to pass the exams? Are the exams much more stringent than is necessary for high competence in a sensitive area like nuclear reactors? I'm not judging, just asking as a noobie.
Is Adm. Rickover turning over in his grave?
Comment by Michael E. on February 5, 2014 at 12:00pm

So you are saying that you are not now in the nuclear navy? That you were in for a period of time, and you saw some cheating going on? Were you if fact part of the nuclear department? If you were then you should have done some thing about the issue. If you were not then you only have hearsay knowledge.   I refuse to believe that there is a culture of skating by within the nuclear field. And, you keep saying my son like I would only be concerned about his well being in the Navy that is wrong. We should all be concerned about all of the sailors  

Comment by jeremy mcelroy on February 5, 2014 at 11:50am
Why would I let the chiefs know when they do it as well? Being given the answers to an exam or told what subjects will be on it in no way risks someone returning from an underway. If a person knows how to do their job then exams dont matter.
Comment by jeremy mcelroy on February 5, 2014 at 11:47am
Are you in the nuclear program or been stationed on a ship? I was for 7 years, saw every rate on the ship cheat on exams or quals. Saw junior officers cheat on exams and such. Those junior officers then govon to become department heads, xo or co. They know it goes on because it existed when they were early in their careers and chances are 90% of them did it themselves. I have seen the highest enlisted on the boat in the nuke dept participate in it because they dont want to be held accountable for bad grades especially on exams for inspections.

I am sorry to say you can turn a blind eye and think your child is above it. If that is what it takes for you to have peace them so be it. If your child told you some of the things that occur in the pipeline and the fleet, both at work and outside, a lot of people would regret their children joining.
Comment by Michael E. on February 5, 2014 at 11:44am

I do not feel that it s a matter of my kid being honest it is a matter of attitude toward doing the right thing.  If you are aware of the cheating going on perhaps you should let the Chiefs on the boats involved know about the issues.  I for one would like for my sailor to come home in one piece.

Comment by Darrell Brown on February 5, 2014 at 11:41am

Mr. McElroy's disparaging comments do not reflect the typical environment in the Navy. A nuclear officer who allows or fosters an atmosphere of looking the other way,whether it is cheating or signing off on work not actually performed, is nearly certain to lose their command or opportunities for further promotion. There are recent examples of a boat CO, XO, department head and COB careers finished because of this situation and most at this level actually want to finish their careers. So to say everyone cheats and it is to be expected is just wrong.

Comment by jeremy mcelroy on February 5, 2014 at 11:28am
Not baseless at all. Doesn't happen much while you are a student but once you hit the fleet it is a common practice. You may think your kids are honest and wouldn't do it but I can guarantee you it will.
Comment by Michael E. on February 5, 2014 at 11:05am

I for one certainly hope that Mr. McElroy comments are baseless. My son spent and is spending an extraordinary amount of time testing and retesting for his rate. I cannot believe that with something so important to the well being of not only your shipmates but also your life in many instances that the cheating is an aberration not something that is normal.


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