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Navy Nukes

Navy Nuke: Questions and Answers to what your Sailor will be doing as a "Nuke" in the United States Navy. This support group is for the families and friends with Sailors serving in the U.S. Navy Nuclear Program / Power Nuke School.

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Latest Activity: May 25, 2023

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Nukes: How They Got There

Started by Jerome May. Last reply by Rocco A Cavallo Mar 29, 2018. 1 Reply

Cliff's Notes on Prototype Training

Started by Scott Henry Nov 21, 2017. 0 Replies

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Comment by John Caporal on December 7, 2013 at 12:44pm

Best to all taking exams and/or comps ... my son was there at one point and is now deployed on the USS SeaWolf.  He was flown to meet the sub in early November.  Does anyone have any ideas around how long they will be out at sea and how often they make port calls?

Comment by B'sNukemom&dad⚓️MM on December 5, 2013 at 11:26pm

Son had his last "final" in Power School today - the only thing left is comps on Tuesday.  Prayers please for all taking comps next week.

A big "thank-you" to all serving - military and law enforcement - thank you for your sacrifices!

Comment by Gary Brophy on December 5, 2013 at 11:05pm

We are a Military family and for the last 10 years it seams that at least one of us is always gone. This year my son, son-in-law and I will all be missing Christmas at home.  As Craig has said, you grow to accept it and celebrate when and however you can. I found that it was always harder on me then with one of my kids.  Oh and nothing beats a box of home made Christmas cookies to share with your team.  Eric, thanks for sacrificing your time to serve to protect our family at home. 

Comment by Craig Metalski on December 5, 2013 at 5:47pm
Yes I have to agree after 22 years in the army now my son finishing college and leaving for boot in March ( unless his officer packet is accepted any time you spend with a family member in the military is your holiday I have given and received Christmas presents in July and loved every minute of it
Comment by Jonathan Cooper on December 5, 2013 at 5:39pm

Well said Darrell, Holidays are what and when you make them.

Comment by Darrell Brown on December 5, 2013 at 5:00pm

When your child is in the military you must learn to make your own celebrations when they are available. My two daughters served in the army and my son is LCDR stationed in Bahrain for shore duty before he reports to command school to be XO on ??? sub. We have missed the birth of children (so has he) and frequently must adjust holiday celebrations a few week or when he is deployed , a few months. So don't focus on what you are missing but the times you can get together.

Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on December 5, 2013 at 12:50pm

sorry to read about those not getting to spend Christmas together....between deployments and one of mine being Pacific fleet and the other Atlantic fleet I haven't spent Christmas with both of mine since before '05......

Comment by NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary on December 5, 2013 at 12:45pm

Comment by Eric Mount on December 5, 2013 at 12:12pm
I also understand the need to vent about not seeing family at Christmas but after missing more birthdays and holidays than I wish to admit I know what our loved ones are going through not being able to come home. Remember that the lives they have chosen require many great sacrifices. He smallest of which is not being able to be home for holidays. Our family members have chosen to make these sacrifices to protect our country. Yes they get great experiences and education fromit but it still boils down to they are there to protect our sorry asses from people who want to do harm to our way of life.

Our family members need to hear we love them and we are proud of what they are doing for our country. Not many people have the courage to do what our family members are doing. Be proud and show them that pride. It helps them through it too!

And if you wonder how I know this....21 years as a cop and to me this year Christmas is just a normal working day for me.
Comment by Scott Hyman on December 4, 2013 at 8:27am
James, yes that is what my son said too. Must be the ETs turn. Unlucky for us but lucky for the EMs and MMs.
We are already planning a trip for the spring. We will have some deliveries to make for our business so we are hoping to get a chance to see him then....maybe.

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