Navy Dads


Pensacola A School

"Pensacola A School"

Naval Air Station Pensacola or 
NAS Pensacola: is the seat of Naval Aviation and the initial primary training base for all Navy, Marine and Coast Guard Aviators.
 Pensacola is also the home base for the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the World Famous, Precision-Flying Team, "Blue Angels".

Members: 305
Latest Activity: May 25, 2023

Welcome Pensacola A School Sailors, Families & Friends

Aviation Rescue Swimmer School

 (ARSS) - a highly conditioned group, dedicated to being the top emergency response unit in the world.

Naval Aviation Schools Command - Aviation Pre-Flight Indoctrination Packet

National Naval Aviation Museum - A must see for all visitors to NAS Pensacola

Discussion Forum


Started by David Gibson. Last reply by David Gibson Sep 15, 2016. 2 Replies

The Ghetto

Started by Jim Harrison. Last reply by NavyDads CoAdmin Jim Gramza Apr 12, 2016. 2 Replies

Anyone have a Sailor in Advanced IT

Started by Jerry Gowans. Last reply by Matt Feb 15, 2016. 3 Replies

Naval Air Technical Training Center

Started by Jerry Franco. Last reply by Donald J. Jefferies Sep 1, 2014. 14 Replies

Navy Lodge

Started by Jerry Franco. Last reply by Scott Sabyan May 30, 2014. 4 Replies

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Comment by Raymond (Kacey's Dad) Runyan on March 10, 2010 at 2:08pm
Can anyone provide a contact # or email for the CMC in charge of AW recruits who are waiting to class-up in Pensacola?
Comment by Ralph (Adam's Dad) on March 7, 2010 at 4:19pm
Looks like Adam scheduled to depart Great Lakes headed to Pensacola on March 17th to begin his A-School
Comment by NotAChance on February 21, 2010 at 3:11pm
Exciting new from my daughter. Tentative grad date of March 8 and she got her orders!!! Danyelle will be in San Diego! YIPEE!!! Just a few hours drive to come home on liberty weekends! I am sooooo excited!
Comment by Brandon S. on February 20, 2010 at 9:15pm
Greetings all. My son Mike just graduated from Boot Camp and is getting ready to join everyone at Pensacola A-School. Thanks for allowing us to join you and I look forward to sharing thoughts and good times with you all.
Comment by NotAChance on February 14, 2010 at 8:15pm
My daughter will be wrapping up A-School in the next few weeks. Any other parents of A-School IT's here??
Comment by Vernon A. Kelly on February 14, 2010 at 12:39pm
My son starts A-school some time late March. What items will he need for his dorm. What items are allowed example, Locks, special clothing, computer, vehicle. Just want to set him up before he graduates.
Comment by Ralph (Adam's Dad) on February 14, 2010 at 11:32am
I'm told that my son will be spending 5 weeks in Pensacola for F18 structual once he's graduates from Boot. That's kinda cool since his grandfather was a B17 Prop Mechanic in the Army Air Corps station at Eglin many years ago.
Comment by David R on February 4, 2010 at 2:30pm
Here is the link to the base newpaper that cover both Corry and NAS P'cola. Not as exciting reading as good novel, but has lots of day to day info on the bases/activities.
Comment by Douglas Gould on February 1, 2010 at 8:39pm
Does anyone had a sailor that has headed to Pensacola A School within the past month? Mine will be heading there in two weeks and I have heard a lot about the different rules at the different A Schools. Trying to find out what they can brind to this one?
Comment by M on November 18, 2009 at 4:43pm
According to article below you will fly in P-3 Orions.

More sailors to join new AW rating in October

By Mark D. Faram - Staff writer
Posted : Thursday May 29, 2008 8:18:20 EDT

It’s official: All enlisted aircrew will fall under one general rating — and five subratings — after the consolidation effort wraps up in 2009.

Final approval has been given to merge all 1,600 active and 550 full-time support fixed-wing aircrewmen into the AW consolidated rating, where they will join their 2,800 helicopter aircrew counterparts on Oct. 1 of this year.

The new rating will be labeled “naval aircrewman” but still will be abbreviated “AW” despite the fact that its members no longer will be referred to as aviation warfare systems operators. Sailors will continue to wear the AW insignia.

All E-6 through E-9 selected reservists will convert to the rating Oct. 1. E-5 and below drilling reservists and those in the Individual Ready Reserve will convert April 1, 2009, completing the process.

“Really [no other abbreviation] was available,” said Mike Otten, the avionics and aircrew enlisted community manager for Navy Personnel Command in Millington, Tenn. “AC would have made sense, but that’s already taken.”

The move finishes a process that began in 2005, when all helicopter enlisted aircrew were moved from the nine aviation source ratings into AW. At the time, the fixed-wing sailors were left out as officials discussed how best to complete the merger.

“Now they’ll all be in the AW rating, but everyone will fall into one of five service ratings,” Otten said.

The aircrew qualification pin will continue to be worn by sailors, but it soon could become a full-fledged warfare pin, similar to the enlisted surface warfare pin, for AW sailors.

A proposal is working its way through the system that would create a complete warfare program along the lines of the Expeditionary Warfare Specialist program. Approved in 2006, the qualification that sailors complete is directly related to their job.

For example, a P-3 Orion flight engineer would do a separate warfare qualification course than a helicopter anti-submarine warfare sailor. Though officials are optimistic this will become part of the AW career path, it is not a done deal.

The reason for the five subratings, Otten said, was to better manage the community, detail sailors into the correct job for their requisite skills, and make sure they are tested and advanced based on those skills.

The move will be automatic for E-6 sailors and below. Those who do not wish to stay aircrew must say so in writing and will be kept in a flying status until they transfer, when they will then fall under their old source rating detailer.

It’s a little different for chiefs and up. They will be required to notify their detailers of their intention to stay aircrew or revert to their source rating by Oct. 1.

All of those who opt out of the merger will still be allowed to wear their aircrew qualification pin — but they’ll have to pay back a prorated portion of any re-enlistment bonus they received based on an aircrew NEC.

Those who convert will be allowed to wear their source rating badges until their next advancement or two years from their conversion date. The lower paygrades in the rating will be wide open, and there’s opportunity for nonaircrew sailors to convert into the rating, officials say.

“We’re a little undermanned in the lower paygrades but slightly overmanned in the khaki grades,” Otten said. “We won’t know the full extent of that until we complete the merger and all the khaki state their intentions.”

This fall’s petty officer exams for sailors in the old source ratings will be separate and will be merged by next spring. For those going up for E-7, the first combined chiefs’ exam will be early next year.

All of next year’s active and reserve E-8 and E-9 selection boards also will be merged.

Ratings and NECs
Sailors in the new naval aircrewman rating (AW) will be assigned a subrating based on their naval enlisted classifications. How those NECs will translate:

* AWR (naval aircrewman tac-helicopter): 7873, H-60B; 7876, H-60F; 7875, H-60R.

* AWS (naval aircrewman tac-helicopter): 7805, H-60S; 7807, HH-60H utility; 7815, SAR; 7885 H-53 utility; 7886, H-53 AMCM.

* AWO (naval aircrewman operator): 7835, TSC operator; 7841, P-3 acoustic; 7861, P-3 nonacoustic.

* AWF (naval aircrewman mechanical): 8206, C-130 mech; 8208, C-130 2nd LM; 8209, C-40 crew chief; 8220, C-130 LM; 8227, E-6B reel operator; 8235, E-6B FE; 8241, C-12 utility; 8245, C-20 crew chief; 8250, C-9 crew chief; 8251, P-3 FE; 8252, C-130 FE; 8278, C-130 LM; 8279, C-2 LM; 8289, TSS head.

* AWV (naval aircrewman avionics): 8228, E-6B comm; 8229, E-6B IFT; 8265, P-3 comm; 8284, EP-3 EW operator; 9401, EP-3 IFT; 9402, P-3C AIP IFT.

Source: Navy Personnel Command

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