Navy Dads


Pensacola A School

"Pensacola A School"

Naval Air Station Pensacola or 
NAS Pensacola: is the seat of Naval Aviation and the initial primary training base for all Navy, Marine and Coast Guard Aviators.
 Pensacola is also the home base for the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the World Famous, Precision-Flying Team, "Blue Angels".

Members: 305
Latest Activity: May 25, 2023

Welcome Pensacola A School Sailors, Families & Friends

Aviation Rescue Swimmer School

 (ARSS) - a highly conditioned group, dedicated to being the top emergency response unit in the world.

Naval Aviation Schools Command - Aviation Pre-Flight Indoctrination Packet

National Naval Aviation Museum - A must see for all visitors to NAS Pensacola

Discussion Forum


Started by David Gibson. Last reply by David Gibson Sep 15, 2016. 2 Replies

The Ghetto

Started by Jim Harrison. Last reply by NavyDads CoAdmin Jim Gramza Apr 12, 2016. 2 Replies

Anyone have a Sailor in Advanced IT

Started by Jerry Gowans. Last reply by Matt Feb 15, 2016. 3 Replies

Naval Air Technical Training Center

Started by Jerry Franco. Last reply by Donald J. Jefferies Sep 1, 2014. 14 Replies

Navy Lodge

Started by Jerry Franco. Last reply by Scott Sabyan May 30, 2014. 4 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Kirk Brooks on July 19, 2009 at 5:19pm
Hi Otto, I'll have to play it by ear on the visit. When she got sick and got set back I burned a bunch of extra vacation so I need to get back to work for a while before I take some more time off.
Comment by Otto Mueller on July 19, 2009 at 5:13pm
Hi Kirk, glad to see you made it over. Holly will have SCC and ATT to do before she classes up. Once she is past Phase III indoc she'll get evening and weekend liberty, so that would be the time to go down if your thinking of visiting P-cola. You really should see the Air Museum. P-cola is the cradle of Naval Aviation.
Comment by Kirk Brooks on July 19, 2009 at 5:03pm
Hi everyone, my daughter Holly just PIR'd on the 17th and shipped out same morning to Pcola. We've been txtng today and so far she loves it. I'd love to visit her down there but her "A School" is only around 4 weeks long. She's training for Aviation Boatswain's Mate (E). So I think she primarily studies Industrial Safety and such. After that she gets 14 days leave to visit us in Denver and then it's off to the fleet. Anybody else on here with a kid going for the ABM(E) rate?
Comment by Brenda, aka Sailor Moon on July 18, 2009 at 10:56am
Hello everyone. Have a great weekend.
Comment by Sandy "Sandman" Berger on July 16, 2009 at 3:49pm
My daughter will be going to A school in P Cola in about 10 days, probably sit ther a few weeks waiting to class up for CTR, in any case is there any point in time when they are allowed to have a car during A school, or a place that they can keep them at off base for when they are on liberty?
Comment by Brenda, aka Sailor Moon on July 14, 2009 at 5:44pm

Comment by Brenda, aka Sailor Moon on July 14, 2009 at 5:44pm
Good evening everyone. Congrats on on the Sailors that have graduated A school. Best wishes to them.Have a great evening.
Comment by Billy Ford on July 14, 2009 at 12:22pm
I see some of these comments, about some of these guys getting stationed in Lemoore. How does duty staion wish lists get processed? order of merit? I had many talks with my son about choosing all west coast for duty station wish list, so hopefully he hits the books hard and does well enough to get out here. Hopefully CA, but even Washington would be cool. I was a navy brat,and was born in Lemoore, but we lived up in Whidbey island for a while too. I figured that at some point he'll be on a cruise anyway, so why not get stationed close to home ( Denver, and my home- norcal) so that flights to visit him will be less expensive and vice versa, and getting stationed in ca would be sweet, so those rare four day weekends he can swing up here, or I can shoot down there. Well I guess he hasto get through boot 1st, but as he is a wrestler, the saying goes, once you've wrestled...., anyway these boards are really cool, and I look forward to chatting with you all soon.
Comment by Eric Shuklian on July 13, 2009 at 10:38pm
I sure can't get use to these computers. I must have hit the wrong button an sent out a message before I was through. Anyway if your son got use to the heat in Pensacola' he should have no problem with our weather here by Lemoore. Tommorrow we are starting a heat wave with temps in the 104 range.Our saving grace is that we don't have the humidity to go along with the heat.
Being raised in this area I can assure you that the towns around Lemoore have a great deal of respect for the servicemen and the base' and your sailor should enjoy his time here.
If you have any questions about the area, feel free to ask.
Comment by Eric Shuklian on July 13, 2009 at 10:22pm
Rob,congradulations on your sons finishing his AO training. My son should be finishing his AO school in about two weeks' with the possibility of NAS Lemoore or San Diego. If he goes to Lemoore it's only about 30 miles from where we live.

Members (304)



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Blog Posts

Phishing for Info

Posted by Michael J Conway on April 18, 2023 at 4:08pm 0 Comments


Posted by Joseph Hernandez on January 28, 2023 at 11:54am 1 Comment

Before A School

Posted by Philip Steinert on January 2, 2023 at 2:10pm 2 Comments

My little sailor

Posted by william joseph wolfcale on December 3, 2022 at 4:08pm 2 Comments

my dad skII Wolfcale

Posted by william joseph wolfcale on December 3, 2022 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

Off to A School

Posted by Michael J Conway on November 13, 2022 at 9:55pm 1 Comment

Son leaves for San Diego

Posted by Jeff J Sperekas on June 25, 2022 at 7:33pm 1 Comment


Posted by John W Hensman on October 9, 2021 at 4:21pm 0 Comments

Form letter

Posted by John D O'Rourke on September 16, 2021 at 5:58am 2 Comments

Boot Camp

Posted by Mark F Durovka on March 22, 2021 at 8:46pm 2 Comments


Posted by Thomas ODonnell on January 10, 2021 at 3:00pm 7 Comments

Bittersweet Happiness

Posted by Jim Lisi on December 13, 2020 at 1:21pm 3 Comments

Pride and Honor

Posted by Elliott Peigen on September 7, 2020 at 9:56am 2 Comments

Introducing Myself

Posted by John Lillyblad on March 18, 2020 at 4:38pm 5 Comments

Mail problems

Posted by Fernando Bolano on March 17, 2020 at 2:36pm 3 Comments

SHIP 06 DIV 100

Posted by Chris Koning on February 9, 2020 at 3:54pm 0 Comments

Ship 10 Div 114

Posted by Mike Cunningham on February 3, 2020 at 2:15pm 1 Comment


Posted by Mike Cunningham on January 15, 2020 at 1:23pm 2 Comments

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