Navy Dads

Daughter's PIR is August 10, she then fly's out the next morning for Pensacola, Fl for AD "A" school.  Trying to make hotels reservations now.  Any ideas?  Lots of the posts for hotels are old post.

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We are staying at the Navy Lodge for our daughters PIR (7/20). We decided on staying there after reading a bunch of reviews, and comparing it to the other options. Seems like it's a good place to stay for PIR. Our girl is also off to Pensacola for "A" school.

What rating?  How can you get the Navy Lodge?  Is me being prior military going to help?  Thanks.

the Great lakes Navy Lodge is the only Navy Lodge that you can stay at without a member of the military making do however have to specify that you are there for PIR and I believe ship and division for your sailor.

Navy Lodge Great Lakes
Great Lakes Naval Training Center

2500 Meridian Drive
Great Lakes, IL 60088-5000
Tele: 847-689-1485 | Email:

I think it's $65 a night

hello chris ...Congradulations on your Sailors

 upcoming graduation. My son will be entering Recruit Training

shortly and i, like you, am looking for some updated information. Please keep me posted if you are able to

get any current "scuttlebut"..   Thank You...Gregory Finley... (



My son's PIR was May 18th and we decided to split the difference between Chicago and GL's. We ended up staying in the town of Glenveiw which was approx 30 minutes to GL's and Chicago. It worked very well for us since my son stayed in GL for A school. Since your daughter is leaving the next morning I would stay as close as I could to GL's. Good luck and congratulations. Proud Navy Dad.



I would not think your daughter has her actual flight itinerary at this point.  My son informed us early on that he was told he was leaving out early Saturday morning.  Turns out he left the base at 0030 Saturday morning, but his flight was not until 1615 that afternoon. 

He did not receive his actual itinerary until the last week and by then had no ability to contact us and let us know, so we didn't find out until we saw him after PIR.  Thankfully we had flexibility in our travel arrangements and so were able to spend the entire day with him at O'Hare airport. 

You may find yourself in a similar situation and may want to consider allotting for time on Saturday.



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