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3. Respect each others political views and debate them in a civil manner
4. Only a healthy debate will be allowed on this site
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John and Luis have set a wonderful example of how we should debate things in a civil manner. I just want to be up front with everyone who participates in this discussion that I will not let this get out of hand. I want to warn everyone that this site is here to benefit us with our children's journey through the Navy not to slam each others political beliefs.

That being said I do understand that the next commander in chief will be relevant to us Navy parents. I encourage healthy debates when it comes to politics. It's what makes this country so great. We can have our own beliefs and we get to vote for whom we want in office. All I ask is for everyone to debate in a healthy manner not in a negative manner. Express your views and let others express theirs. I do not want this to be a negative response to this candidate or a negative response to that candidate. We all know that political talks can quickly become shouting matches and this is not the site for it.

Whichever candidate wins this election will be the one that we need to stand behind and support because this person will be our children's commander in chief. In the military it doesn't come down to whether you are a Republican or Democrat. In a time of war it comes down to protect your brothers in arms no matter what branch of military they are in or what their political, religious beliefs are. Navy, Marines, Airforce, Army and Coast Guard when it comes down to it will fight side by side to defend this great country's freedoms no matter where they come from.

Sincerely, Navydads Creator

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Why do we still let the Electoral College pick our president?

Started by NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary. Last reply by John Fahy Aug 29, 2012. 5 Replies


Started by Adam Smith. Last reply by Philip Greaves Jun 30, 2011. 4 Replies

The Full Text of The Constitution of the United States

Started by NavyDads Admin (Paul). Last reply by Kirk Brooks Jun 28, 2011. 5 Replies

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Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on December 14, 2009 at 2:20pm
Play Fair Kids!!!! I don't take umbrage for being called a "dittohead"...I just figure whatever...and as such I've never called the pres "allahbama"...I guess I'm slow 'cause I just saw that nickname for the first time this past week and thought it did go a bit to excess. It still makes us the envy of the world in that we have the right to espress our views without fear of 'big brother" hauling us off to some detention facility...let us pray we always have that right......
Comment by ctyankee on December 14, 2009 at 12:31pm
Hey Rex,

You brought up a great point and I've been pondering it for several minutes now...

I bet the Obamas are nice people, but on a political/professional level I doubt I could stand to be in the same room with them. How does one go about reconciling that conflict? I want him and his advisers out of the the White House so he can to go back to Illinois and have a happy healthy life.

I long for the day when the Government (capital "G") has had its domestic nose bloodied and gets out of the lives of the American people.

Enough with the Oligarchy, I want the Republic back!
Comment by Rex on December 14, 2009 at 11:36am
This is only typical of thin skin people. I was NOT attacking you personally. There are quite a few people out there that see`s this commander in chief as a god and that he can do no wrong. There was a lot of things I even disagreed with when Bush was President, but he at least conducted himself as a respectful person and treated the white house and our allies as they really needed to be treated. As for you claiming we have no brains to think for ourselves, what about the lefty loonies that feel that the socialism is right for all of us. You can call socialism what ever you want. But our sailors and other military are fighting to keep this country safe and free, well, it is our responsibility to stay informed.
Let me go on and say i like the Obmama"s they are a nice family, but its there politics i disagree with.
Most people will say you need to earn respect so far in my opinion he and his administration have failed to do that.
where was the respect for Bush from the progressives for the eight years that he was in office ? some of the progressives will have a open debate as long as it agrees with there agenda .
So far in my opinion we all have been talking to each other civilly , people are people, we all have different thoughts and ideas . Every one expresses it differently.
Mike may you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year !
Comment by Mike Stark on December 14, 2009 at 9:14am
Parade Magazine had a story about a fine American and onetime naval aviator yesterday.

This is one reason I like the man:

From the article:
What advice would Bush give to leaders today? "Politics can be civil and not personal. It doesn't have to be shouting and questioning the other guy's motives. Try to see the other person's view. That means you have to listen and not talk all the time."

He was deeply offended by Rep. Joe Wilson's (R., S.C.) outcry during President Barack Obama's September speech to Congress. "There has to be a certain decorum and civility. And that was just smashed. I thought, 'How low have we gotten here?'"

While he said he does not agree with some of Obama's policies, Bush insists that all Americans should want the President to succeed. On the state of the world: "We need to get ourselves out of this financial mess and help Americans get back on their feet. Globally, China and Russia remain critically important. And I think we've got to be careful that we don't fall into the trap of being against Islam because of the excesses of the few."

So maybe we can drop the Allahbama stuff? [to be fair, I saw that particular gem in the Rush Limbaugh discussion, not here -- but this is a general plea]. I always called George W. Bush "Bush" or "President Bush", not "Chimpie" like a lot of my liberal friends did. I expect the same kind of respect for the commander in chief even if he's someone you don't agree with politically.

And no, I'm not going over to make this plea on the Rush discussion. Dittoheads are beyond reason by definition, as "ditto" means they are echoing whatever the Dear Leader says without running it through the brain first. But I expect more in an area where liberals, moderates and conservatives are intended to talk to each other civilly.
Comment by GP on December 10, 2009 at 11:46am
Pat, the NASCAR idea wouldn't work. They don't make clothes that big!
Comment by GP on December 9, 2009 at 2:11pm
I did not mean it to sound like the Rebuplican in NJ was a cure all. I meant to show how fed up they were with the current administration and wanted a change. Unfortunately, they only changed 1 person. You are all correct. I am sure most voters never bothered to look at the records of the state assembly, only the figurehead at the top of the ballot. They must realize that he did not make or change the current laws, he only approved or rejected what was coming to him from the lower house. When you see a bill presented, research who brought it up and why. Look closely at the waste of $$$. NJ had a bill presented to build safe crossing tunnels for wildlife to go underneath the parkway so that they could avoid becoming road kill. Only problem was, who was going to teach the wildlife where to cross the road? What a joke!
Comment by Rex on December 9, 2009 at 1:13pm
Those are the key words common sense , research, the candidate. then we need to hold all of them accountable for there voting record and there so called promises. this needs to be done at ALL levels of our state and federal governments. They also need to learn that they work for its us and not the other way. Too many of them have forgotten this.
Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on December 9, 2009 at 11:09am
I've just seen and heard too many instances of "I like his/her name...", "he/she lives in a great neighborhood...", "he/she has attended such and such school...", etc. I implore your homework before you pull that voting lever...let's not only hold our elected officials to a higher level, but our voters as well and lets return common sense and intelligence and truth and honesty to Washington...and our state capitals as well!!
Comment by Kirk Brooks on December 9, 2009 at 10:59am
Very true Paul, I've found several instances where the other party's candidate was more in tune with my personal beliefs. It's more common at the local level, but it does happen.
Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on December 9, 2009 at 9:10am
Just remember...just because they are a claimed Republican does not mean that they have fiscal common sense and that they understand the role of the US in the world. Research your candidates and elect those that mirror your values. And most of all start to demand some accountability in those that we send to Washington.

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