Navy Dads

Hello there:

I am in desperate need of some help with a few questions. My second son was 8 days away from PIR at boot camp and was sent to ship 5 for a medical issue with his back. He had passed all PFA's and written tests. Only thing left was Battle Stations. First question is

1. What determines being medically ASMO'd vs being Medically Separated?

2. Is there anything he can do once he is in Ship 5 besides appeal?

3. He reports to me that the medical papers he has says therapy and clean MRI of spine before re-enlistment. However he has not been given an MRI at BC. Just x-ray.

I really do not know much but am trying my best to research for him and advise him as best I can. Any help or experience anyone can give is much appreciated!


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I am sorry you and your son are in this situation  You seem to have quite a bit more information than I did when my son was brought there 4/17. Communication is poor.  I have gotten the best responses from my son's recruiters LPO.  YOU will find many opinions out there with kernels of truth. I am still searching myself. There are a few FB groups out there some that are more open to freely discussing things while other are not.  Good Luck!

Hi Cindy -

I was very encouraged when I called and spoke to Legal at RTC - they were very receptive to me.    I have read that Legal was not receptive to other families through the years - for us? - I could not be prouder of how they treated me - the family.    Thankfully, I was home when "they" called  (Legal and Michael) for follow ups in the early days.    Medically, I cannot comment, on what is best for your family.   Regarding Item # 2 ? = Appeal is something that can always be done........and, I think, when USN knows family is behind the recruit, they understand that all hands are on deck.     Ultimately, it will be what is the best interest of your son and his physiological situation and, of course our Navy.    I wish you well.   I found that it was ok to call Legal...... 

 Trust me, I know how it feels to ................    Best Regards  ~  Pat Doherty

At the risk of being in conflict with  or disrespectful to Andrea = our situation happened 2014 ish? I posted things on Ship5.   Michael recently re-enlisted.     Each Sailor Recruit situation is unique; we were blessed with good feedback from Legal when I called.     I apologize if I have created conflict or mislead - I am not aware presently, how things are going - Good Luck - pat


In case you haven't done it yet, be sure to have him sign a HIPPA waiver so that the medical personnel have permission to speak with you about his condition. 

we have called Legal. They brought him in on Monday to sign the release. He told me he signed it, read me the Dr.’s findings and that was that. My father, his grandfather whom he signed the release for called on Tuesday and was told no release was signed. I am not worried about his treatment nor his mental health other than him being completely disappointed. I just can’t seem to get any info. My father is a 30 year service now retired Navy Captain so he has been helping with phone calls. I guess I don’t understand why he wasn’t ASMO’d instead of listed for separation. Recommendation was physical therapy. Legal has made it clear they won’t talk to us so I don’t know what else to do from here. They told us to talk to our recruit about the release but of course he hasn’t been able to call since then.

Well that stinks. Maybe at this point just get him home and go from there. Pay attention to the RE code that he is issued. It's possible for him to re-enlist and go back. I'm sure he's pretty heart broken right now. Being so close to graduation...

I agree with Jim...........   When Michael's saga began, Legal accepted my call and talked to me.    Subsequently, each time I spoke to Legal, it was when calls home were initiated by Michael that I was thankfully home when he called.   Ugh.....



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