Navy Dads

So my daughter has been at ship 5 for 12 days now, she called on Sunday the 19th to let me know as I missed the first call she made on the 16th. She said she would be finding out more on Monday after meeting with legal or something. She said she would call me that Monday and let me know what is going on. I never heard from her but her boyfriend heard from her for a short call on Wednesday she told him the same things pretty much. I did get a letter she wrote right after she got there said she could have phone calls on Mon. and Wed. and maybe Sat. So I looked for a call on Sat. No call, so I then thought ok on Monday still no call today to anyone. She all so said she would call to get my credit card info so she could use the free computer but never heard from her. She did leave one short post on Facebook right after I talked to her. So it has been six day with no word about what is going on. Is there a reason she may not be able to make her calls? Cause even in the Ship 5 info here it says she should be able to call. I am getting a bit worried.

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It's hard to say. Could be that some of the others in Ship 5 are causing trouble and they're all getting punished. Or it could be that she just hasn't gotten to the phone. I'm pretty sure that they have to be allowed to go to the NEX or a bank of phones in the barracks to make those calls. You might want to purchase a calling card and mail it to her. That would make it easier for her.

Currently, an average of 70-80 separating recruits are housed in each of three separate compartments on the upper deck of Ship 5: male recruits are divided into medical and legal separations, and females recruits are housed together.

Recruits follow a daily schedule which may include: attending legal and medical appointments, work assignments and compartment watches. Recruits are offered life skills courses and receive counseling to assist in transitioning back to civilian life.

Recruits are granted two one-hour phone calls during the week, generally one week day and one weekend day.

After 4:00 pm each day, recruits are given personal time where they may watch television or movies, write letters to loved ones, read or play board games. During weekends, recruits may earn time in the recreational room, which has work-out equipment, video games, theatre style seating to watch movies, pool tables and internet access.

Thank you, yes she said there were 108 girls and about 90 males. Were do I purchase a phone card what type I have no clue about these. I really hope I hear soon even another letter I dont want to send one if she will be leaving before it gets there. I dont think it is trouble I hope anyway cause it says they will not take calls away as punishment just reduce to 20 min. I just worry cause she is having a lot of anxiety and emotional issues. She said they were going to put her on medication. I am so worried.

My son was in SEPS also. Initially he said he would be able to can a few times a week. When we didn't here from him after a week we grew concerned too. I was able to get a call to him through the legal department. It took about 24 hours to get a return call.  

Thank you I will try that. How long did it take your son to be able to come home??

Almost a month.

Don't freak out. He said it wasn't bad.  

Well her letters said it was bad she said she would rather have another panic attack then talk to her physiologist again, she said she did not know how long she could take it , she bagged me to get her out broke my heart.

Sorry to hear she's having a rough time. Everyone is different. He told me it's one week from when the legal department signs off on the paperwork.

Also don't buy an airline ticket. I see on you other post it's a 30 hour bus ride. My son's was 11 and the Navy paid for an airline ticket. Wait and see what they do first. 

what # did you call I can not get through on the number I got off this web site it runs you in a circle 

John Marsch said:

Almost a month.

Don't freak out. He said it wasn't bad.  

I just looked back in my call history on my phone. I think it was 847-688-4949 but i can't guarantee it.. When I got through I told them I needed to talk to him about a job he had lined up when he got home. (it was the truth) 

The only number I could get through on was the medical which is why she is there but they would not tell me anything even though she said she sign the HIPA release what is the point of signing one of those if they still wont talk to you. She should of called last Monday after her Inoctrination but no word since Sunday the 19th even the guy on the phone said it was weird cause she should get a call every other day. I dont like this at all.

The only number I could get through on was the medical which is why she is there but they would not tell me anything even though she said she sign the HIPA release what is the point of signing one of those if they still wont talk to you. She should of called last Monday after her Inoctrination but no word since Sunday the 19th even the guy on the phone said it was weird cause she should get a call every other day. I dont like this at all.



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