Navy Dads

So my daughter has been at ship 5 for 12 days now, she called on Sunday the 19th to let me know as I missed the first call she made on the 16th. She said she would be finding out more on Monday after meeting with legal or something. She said she would call me that Monday and let me know what is going on. I never heard from her but her boyfriend heard from her for a short call on Wednesday she told him the same things pretty much. I did get a letter she wrote right after she got there said she could have phone calls on Mon. and Wed. and maybe Sat. So I looked for a call on Sat. No call, so I then thought ok on Monday still no call today to anyone. She all so said she would call to get my credit card info so she could use the free computer but never heard from her. She did leave one short post on Facebook right after I talked to her. So it has been six day with no word about what is going on. Is there a reason she may not be able to make her calls? Cause even in the Ship 5 info here it says she should be able to call. I am getting a bit worried.

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They don't always have access to the phones. Either they are in meetings or others are using the phone bank. We went through this too. There are no easy answers.  

Hi JoDean - Jim is correct....misbehavior by one results in loss of privileges for all - including phone.  Michael shared more than one incident during his period at Ship 5 when there was a loss of privileges.  Good to hear she is communicating with friends and family - that will help her.    There can be a wait in between visits with Legal.   Hopefully, the next time she calls, you will be able to receive the call.

Well it has been 10 days and still no call what so ever and still only one letter the first she wrote when she got there 14 days ago. What the hell is going on???? This is ridiculous.

 Scheduled phone time is never taken away as a punishment, though the duration may be reduced for poor behavior, but never to less than 20 minutes. Phone calls are at no time monitored. So from what everyone says her this is another LIE!!!!!!!! Man LIe after LIE after LIE I raised an honorable and honest young lady I see now why the Navy is not where she should be.

Patrick J. Doherty said:

Hi JoDean - Jim is ....misbehavior by one results in loss of privileges for all - including phone.  Michael shared more than one incident during his at Ship 5 when there was a loss of privileges.  Good to hear she is communicating with friends and family - that will help her.    There can be a wait in between visits with Legal.   Hopefully, the next time she calls, you will be able to receive the call.

Any word from your daughter?

Yes they did take all their calls away due to other girls getting in to trouble, even though it says they will not do that. She reported she had to sit on the floor for 16 hrs a day only writing letting and shinning boots and staring at a wall. Any way she will be coming home this Thursday.

Sorry to here of a bad experience. While it wasn't the Ritz, my son didn't have any issues. 

Glad she will be home soon.

Yea she was very upset with those girls, she said we are grown woman and they are acting like they are in JR. High she said and we are in the Navy she just could not believe some of the behavior. I am glad she is coming home too, I am excited for her to get back to college and get on with her life. Good luck to you and you son as well.



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