Navy Dads

Ship 5 back to Boot....can it happen? - YES, IT CAN with PIR!!!

My son arrived 23 July 2014 - Ship 3 Div 294 PIR 19 Sep 2014;  Moved to Ship 5 late evening 31 July 2014; Local recruiter and MEPS waivers completed and part of enlistment packet.  RTC personnel paperwork review prompted Hospital examination - Navy doctor (as I am told at this point) expressed 'fit for duty' opinion.  My son returned to RTC and instead of being able to return to original personnel for final review, a second person was involved, who assigned my son to Ship 5 in preparation to be Separated.

I was able to speak to Legal early morning 1 August 2014; I suspect that person and her colleagues are gathering my son's documents and him as they begin their review.

Late afternoon 2 Aug 2014, my son responded to emails that I had sent reporting that he is working hard to return to training discouraged that he feels alone.  ("Dad, I want to be in the Navy, I want to be in training.")  I have encouraged him to be positive; eyes and ears open; mouth shut; volunteer for Watch or cleaning or other tasks to keep him active and busy and distanced from unacceptable behavior.

Hoping that some sort of review/appeal occurs while he is still at RTC as he disclosed this information during every phase of his enlistment application process and to his knowledge had been granted the necessary waivers because he continued to move forward and be accepted.

Co-Admin Jim has been very helpful since I found Navy Dads a couple of weeks ago now and certainly through all of this.  Hoping and praying my son is able to return as it was his understanding that proper waivers were obtained before he arrived at RTC.  Posting the discussion certainly hoping for my son's return to training, but also to help other families who may face this challenge in the future......

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26 Aug 2014 - 1438 hours - 

I received a telephone call from my son today at the above date and time while he was at Legal.  "Dad, my waiver has been granted.  I am headed back to Training!!" The excitement and pride in his voice was heartwarming. The Ship5 RDC's were pleased for him.

I am prayerfully thankful that Michael has been granted an opportunity to resume his training and to the Navy personnel involved in his review.   I don't know if we'll hear from him tonight at the 2300 hour or wait for a letter home. At this point, we are happy and relieved for our son that he has the opportunity and prayerfully optimistic for a future PIR!!

And, a heartfelt thank-you to Co-Admin Jim for his insight and support through the past few weeks!!

Saturday - August 30, 2014 - 1300 - phone call from our son.....Ship 13 Div 324 PIR 10 Oct 2014....passed his swim test and his first PFA!!  Was very surprised to hear from him this weekend, but equally thankful!!  He sound very upbeat and proud - so are his parents!!

Pat....Glad for your SR and your family.....wonderful news!

Yes, indeed!!!  Proud of him - prayerfully optimistic as he moves forward!!!  Thank you for your reply.....we were heartbroken nearly four weeks ago because all information had been disclosed at onset of application for enlistment.  We are very grateful!

Fair winds and following seas Sir....I'll be watching!

  • Hi Jim: thanks for the is quite alright....I headed out to the dump and to my local brewery to pick up a growler of their fall seasonal brew - Hometown Double Brown Ale - toasting the good news received this week.....

  • 4:34 PM
  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Jim

    Very good! Growler sounds great right now.

  • 4:46 PM
  • Me

    lol....Michael told me he mailed a letter....did not arrive in NH mail today, perhaps next week...i will reach out to Sarge next week and make "push" division a good/not so good thing?

  • 4:47 PM
  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Jim

    Push is a good thing. It means that the division is working well together and getting the job done.

  • Me

    ok, once again....thank you very much for your help....Enjoy the game!!

  • 4:50 PM

8 Oct 2014 - 1518 hours - Eastern - phone call from our son, Michael.  "I am a Sailor!"  PIR 10 Oct 2014

Very proud of my son!!  Very thankful to the United States Navy and God for granting him the opportunity and strength to stay the course!!  Wonderful, wonderful news............

CONGRATULATIONS! I'm very happy to hear of your son's success!!!

You are true to your word, Tom!!!  You wrote you'd be following......much appreciated......Very proud of my son!!  A school, here he comes!!  Going to be a great career for him....he's worked hard!!  Thank you for your support and kind wishes.

Proud of our son and his courage.............Writing this in hopes that other families may draw strength from these comments if they encounter unforseen Ship 5 Challenges......

Michael - HTFN Doherty, Michael C. completed Hull Technician training on 3 Feb and arrived in VA on 10 Feb for his first assignment.  (despite the snow)  He has worked hard; we are proud of our son.

Awesome!.....and now you know the rest of the story! BZ Sailor!!!

Unfortunately,life (and ski season) gets in the way of being on the Navy Dads site as often as I would like - received notice of Ed Guttieriez email/message on Ship 5 and it prompted me to reply and give this update.

  • Michael always wished to be MA - Master at Arms; the rating was not available back in 2014 until much later in the year, so he opted for and succeeded at HT - Hull Technician.    He was invited to served temporary duty with MA personnel aboard the Lincoln with hopes it may evolved in a rating transfer.  Unfortunately, it did not.     Thankfully, he was eligible for re-enlistment and was accepted for a rating transfer to LS - Logistics Support.    He is still in VA and awaits orders to / for his next assignment, having re-enlisted for another four years.     He earned PO3 and is frequently encouraged to put the time into the books so that he may be eligible for advancement to PO2 sooner versus later.
  • Though all of our Sailors' Ship5 situations are unique - perhaps Michael's story will serve to encourage others if/when faced with a Ship5 experience.

Best wishes to all ~ Pat Doherty



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