Navy Dads

Hi, I am hoping to gain some insight, support, guidance on how to handle what is going on with my son.  When I first talked with him 2 weeks into basic at RTC, he said he had hurt his heel, saw the dr, saw a podiatrist, and was on light duty.  His next letter said he was struggling and felt he might be separated but did not give a lot of detail.  I got a call yesterday and he told me he was being medically separated and would most likely be coming home and that they gave him 2 anxiety screeners.  He did not have long to talk but I could tell he sounded defeated.  I immediately went to the website and read all I could on separation and ship 5, then I wrote to him to tell him to sign the HIPPA form.  I have not called legal or the separation administration office because I don't even know what to ask them.  Should I call? What do I ask? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi, Robin:

I was fortunate to have been able to be home when Michael called me the first time and he was with Legal - and we immediately addressed the ability for him to talk to me, etc.    I was able to learn that Legal Aide's name and was able to call and speak to people at Legal because I was doing thing from the home end to ensure that my son was being properly advocated.     Eventually, it worked.    Based upon our family's experience, I would suggest the phone call may assist you.    Best wishes to you and your family.  ~ Pat

Good Morning, xxxxxxx:

As parents, we make those advocacy decisions for our children to the best of our ability.   Michael is our #2 son for whom active advocacy was always present to assist him with his unique challenges along with the everyday challenges all of our children have.    Michael was proud to have been granted a chance to leave Ship 5 and RETURN to training.    More than one of the Navy personnel assigned to Ship 5 expressed their pleasure with his determination and the Navy's decision.    If your son's desire is to return to training and you are able to be on the phone during the meet with Legal today, advocate for your son.    While he is in Ship 5, encourage him to stay busy with positive activities and/or jobs, and demonstrate his willingness to manage his adjustment to military life.  In the end, God will guide each of to do what is best.    We were very fortunate with our son.    It was not easy for him; he did all of the work.    Wishing you the best as your family manages this situation.  ~ Pat

Yeah Deena, this is a tough one. I'm not sure that he has much say with what they're telling him. But I do think that they have to medically prove that he is having these panic attacks. Pay close attention to the RE code table that's posted above. He may be eligible to go back and try it again with a waver from his doctor. It's going to be up to him if he wants to go back. 

Good luck and let us know the outcome.


Deena McFarland said:

edited by request



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