Navy Dads

Hello, my son was sent off to BC on 2/27/18 and on 3/6/18 he was in the hospital for a breakdown.  On 3/13/18 he was in SEPS.  We only found out because we hadn't received any letters or phone calls or any type of contact.  After a string of phone calls he finally called us and we found out that he was being sent to Ship5 for adjustment disorder after having a breakdown.  He was pretty heartbroken and feeling homesick, and as you can imagine so were we.  He felt disappointed and I'm sure probably embarrassed.  We let him know that we loved him and were not disappointed in him at all for seeking something out himself and pursing it, but that we just wanted him home. He was enlisted for Nuke and I know they invested in his background check and other stuff.  My question is, can they pull him back from Ship5 and put him back into RTC after he was sent to ship5 for adjustment disorder?  The doctor deemed him good to go and at one point in talking to one of the Chiefs (I don't remember his name) they said he was in the hospital and was ok and would prob be able to continue boot camp.  The next thing we knew he was on Ship5 and told us he was prob coming home.  Since then we've had 2 phone calls from him telling us everything was ok but he hadn't talked with legal yet so he didn't really have any information yet.  We haven't heard from him in a week and I'm just wondering if it's possible that they might pull him back to RTC?  We're so confused and worried right now.  We just want him to come home, and from what it sounded like in the previous calls he was ready to come home but disappointed that he failed.  I don't believe he failed.  He was so very much looking forward to being a Navy Nuke and we were ecstatic for him.  He is super super intelligent and 100% gung ho american and the Navy would have been lucky to have him.  I'm sad for him but if it didn't work out, then it just didn't work out and that's how life goes sometimes.  If they did decide to put him back into RTC then I support him all the way and hope and pray it works out for him.  Does anyone know anything or have any previous experience with this?

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First thing you need to do is to write to him and tell him to sign a waiver of HIPPA so that the medical folks will be allowed to talk to you about his condition.

It is possible that he can be allowed to go back into boot camp, but highly unlikely after what you said about a breakdown. The Navy can't take a chance on it happening again if he is say operating a nuclear reactor on a ship in the middle of the Pacific. 

This is a tough situation. You will find phone numbers of the legal office in the masthead of the Ship 5 group page.

Good luck!


Hi Ed:     Our son had a Ship5 experience, also.    I was fortunate to have been advised pretty quickly, jumped on the phone to Legal, was very fortunate to make contact with a receptive aide.     Different situation than your family's and I feel for each of you.     I wrote about our situation in Ship5 group.     As an aside, he recently re-enlisted and has earned PO3.    Best wishes to your family. ~ Pat Doherty



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