Navy Dads

I heard there might be a TC when they return from this deployment, has anyone heard anything about it??  

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Haven't heard anything definite, but like you, wife and I would love to do one.  We were able to visit the Truman last June and what a thrill to be her while underway.

feel free to discuss but do not talk specific dates in the open can always private message that info as that is not seen by the public

I also was told this is a possibility from my sailor.  I was told plan would be to offload air wing and pull into port, then head out to Norfolk. 

It was mentioned, would be a once in a life time opportunity. One I won't pass up that's for certain.

Not sure if it came from my daughter or my wife got it from Navy Moms, but word we've gotten is no tiger cruise.

anymore info on this?

The last thing I heard was that there was not going to be one.  But that is 3rd hand hearsay.

Our son, who is home on leave with us at present, received a text from one of his shipmates that there is an excellent chance of a 1 day version of a "Tiger Cruise" on ____.  Unfortunately we can't make another trip to Norfolk that quickly, especially for a 1 day event.  Would love to do it otherwise.

OPSEC and port dates...............

Steve Bland said:

Our son, who is home on leave with us at present, received a text from one of his shipmates that there is an excellent chance of a 1 day version of a "Tiger Cruise" on August 21.  Unfortunately we can't make another trip to Norfolk that quickly, especially for a 1 day event.  Would love to do it otherwise.

Family day cruise.  I got a call about it couple of days ago.  Short notice.  Went on last family day cruise and it was definitely worth it.  Don't know if I can make this one.  Get to tour a little if ship and probably an airpower show.  Daughter hopes they will plan one sometime after they come out of the yards from maintenance.   

Remember, we don't discuss dates and locations however benign they may seem.  If it's something already announced publicly that's a little different.

Well, our son is in route to Norfolk as I type this.  We had a great visit.  We are not going to be able to make the family day cruise, which we regret, as it sounds like a great time.  If anyone does make it, a full report, please.

is there anyone we can contact about Tiger Cruises?



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