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USS New Hampshire (SSN 778)


USS New Hampshire (SSN 778)

Parents and families of sailors aboard the USS New Hampshire

Members: 7
Latest Activity: Dec 21, 2016

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Comment by Brian Heath on August 5, 2011 at 11:08am

Not much activity on here i see.

Comment by Leonard on July 22, 2009 at 9:25pm
After three months at sea, THEY"RE HOME!!

We couldn't be there to welcome them, but I can't wait untill next month when Nathan will come home on leave!!
Comment by Leonard on July 5, 2009 at 7:22pm
I've been too busy the last couple of days to post this, but we got a call from Nathan on the 4th. He and a couple of his friends on the boat had taken a train to Paris and he called us from the Eifflel Tower! He said they are all starting to get home sick and are looking forward to getting back to port.
Comment by Leonard on June 24, 2009 at 7:45pm
Yes, we've been told about that port call also. But, we also heard at one point that one port call had been deleted from their itenerary and a new one had been added. I can only speculate as to when the next time we might hear from them.
Comment by Leonard on June 22, 2009 at 6:42pm
I got an email from Nathan today. He said they had been very, very busy but that the pace was more relaxed now and he finally found enough free time to send an email. He said the crew as all well, and that everything was going fine. He also mentioned that if they didn't have videos to watch in the galley, and a few gaming systems on board that everyone would be going stir crazy. It seems most of the guys are starting to get a bit homesick. I know they are not used to being gone for this long, and many are missing their wives and children. Most of the single guys are finding the long separation easier.

Maybe they'll have another port call soon so the guys can call home again.
Comment by Leonard on June 9, 2009 at 8:01pm
I'm glad you heard from Travis. We heard from Nathan a couple of times also. Nathan said most of them got sun burned on the beach, but that the scenery was worth it. (I don't know what he was talking about...;) After being underwater for weeks, I imagine the sun takes its toll pretty fast.
Comment by Leonard on May 20, 2009 at 9:18pm
We heard from Nathan today. Email has been spotty at best, but today we got a phone call. It was short, less than two minutes, and the only thing he wanted to know was how everyone was here. He asked about his grandma, and the rest of the family. I could tell its tough knowing that if something had happened you wouldn't even know. I think that is the hardest part of being on a submarine for him.

I hope the rest of the crew all got to talk to their families today.
Comment by Leonard on May 6, 2009 at 10:08am
Hello. My son Nathan joined the crew of SSN 778 when he graduated A school. The boat was still under its final stages of construction at that time and had not yet undergone sea trials. He's an FT, and his three best friends on the boat are Albert, Guido, and Dustin.

His mom and I were unable to attend the christening, but we did get to spend a week with him in Portsmouth during the commissioning. We met so many great people that week, both sailors and families. They Navy really bent over backwards to make us feel like honored guests during that entire week. If your son is on this boat, please get in touch.

Members (7)



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