Navy Dads

Does anyone know if there is an official way to request re-assignment or petition for reconsideration? My son is a submariner currently stationed in King's Bay, Georgia.  He has been in the Navy for 12 years.  He was recently made Chief and was told he would be assigned to a particular sub based in King's Bay.  He made a lot of decisions, financial and otherwise, based on this information.  The assigned sub then recanted their need for a Chief and now he is listed to be on a sub based in Bangor, WA.  He hasn't received official orders yet but has been told it is pretty much a done deal.  He would move in August. 

Without going into a lot of detail, this has caused enormous stress on everyone.  He seems resigned to the situation but I worry about the long term effect on his mental, not to mention his financial health.  Bangor, WA is the last place he wanted to go.  Is there any appeal to be made at this point or anything he could do to change the outcome?  Any info would be appreciated.  Thanks. 

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Comment by Wesley Scott Phillips on January 7, 2022 at 5:48pm

He definitely knows the phrase "Needs of the Navy".  I wish the Navy knew the phrase "Needs of the Sailor"  He was told to put down in order his preference of where he wanted to be stationed and they "almost" guaranteed he would get one of his top 3.  And he was originally told for over a month he would be on a particular sub based out of King's Bay which was his number 1. There are 7 choices.  Washington was #6. It is like they totally ignored his preferences.  No one likes to be told one thing and then surprised with another.  Of course I'm sure everyone would be surprised to hear that this isn't the first time the Navy has done that to   He is resigned to the situation and he won't complain beyond the first "Well the Navy f*cked me again!"  He'll do what is asked of him and he'll be a model sailor however I worry about the difference of going into a job knowing it will be over in 40 months versus being gun-ho and trying to achieve all he can.  He had always planned to do 20 years and after he made Chief he even told me he'd probably do 25.  After these last orders are completed, if they stand, he says it's over.  Luckily for him he has a dad ready to employ him at more than what the Navy is paying him, but still...

I understand the military is a different kind of employer but they could at least have a transfer portal where, if something else came available that he preferred, other boats would be aware of it.  After 12 years, I think his preferences should be given a little consideration.

There could be someone on another boat with the same qualifications who would love to be in Bangor, WA.  I believe if the Navy doesn't pay some attention to the desires and needs of their sailors (employees) their retention rates are going to fall like they've never seen before.  Every place I know is hiring and at salaries never seen before.  As an employer myself, I know how hard it is to hire and retain good employees.  Treating them as just a number is not going to fly like it did in the past.

P.S.  Sorry for the rant.  I'm just a pissed-off dad that needed to vent somewhere.

Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on January 7, 2022 at 1:59pm

He can ask but he should know the phrase "Needs of the Navy"

Comment by NavyDads CoAdmin Jim Gramza on January 5, 2022 at 8:49pm

I could only suggest that he start up the chain of command with his request. But you know, the needs of the Navy come first.


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