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NavyDads CoAdmin Jim Gramza's Comments

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At 3:39pm on January 13, 2021, S Scott Shortess said…

Thank you Jim.  I appreciate what you do to keep this site up.

At 10:26pm on January 2, 2021, Marc DeLorge said…

Hi Jim, thank you for writing.

I heard from Paul earlier, and he gave me a couple of links to look around the site with.

I'm still waiting to hear from my daughter, she arrived at RTC on December 2 and I received the 30 second phone call, but have not heard anything since. I've heard the "no news is good news" several times, but a Dad is always going to worry about his daughter.

Thanks again, and Happy New Year!


At 6:20am on December 10, 2020, Catherine Pantik said…

Thank you for adding me, a proud Navy Mom! For full disclosure, I joined Navy Moms San Diego too ;)) I don’t want to miss anything! Are there any SWCC parents on board? 

At 4:05pm on November 25, 2020, Stephen rovenger said…

I haven't been on this site since joining as my wife gets the support she needs from Navy Moms. Our son, Gregory, went thru 2 yrs of extensive training in the nuclear protocol. He was home on leave last week and has been assigned duty on the Eisenhower for eventual deployment sometime and somewhere. He plans to reenlist when the ship sails.

For the other dads here whose children are also sailing somewhere, have them create an email address when they get on board. That way there will be communication between you when they're allowed to do so. Cell phones are not allowed to be used. 

At 5:37pm on November 8, 2020, Stephen Decatur said…

Thank you for the add Jim, Definitely proud of him but I have to admit This is his first time away from how and he is struggling a little, which makes it a little rough on us. Hes strong though so Im sure he will do fine, Got our first letter from him Saturday, but damn post office put the stamp over the zip code so cant read the last 4 numbers, and of course no official letter ever arrived, but we will call the recruiter tomorrow to get it figured out. Once again Thanks for adding me There seems to be a wealth of information here.

At 11:46pm on October 22, 2020, Peter Timewell said…

Thank you for the welcome message, Jim.

My son has his orders to A-School but he is in a THU in Ship 7 (still at RTC) waiting for travel.

He has his cell phone, but it is not working.  He can text but not talk.  (Texts are better than nothing! :)

I need to look around the site to see what all is here.

Thanks again,

Peter Timewell

At 11:51pm on September 18, 2020, Mike & Michelle Johnston said…

Thank you for welcoming me .. I have a lot to learn and I'm eager to do so.  

At 8:30pm on August 29, 2020, Eliot said…

Thank you for the warm welcome Jim. Our son left for bootcamp early Sept of last year.  Is now in Goose Cr, SC.   Just wanting to Try to understand what he is going through.  Though no visits because of Covid, have sensed a big, positive change in him on our periodic phone chats.  Thanks for making this group.


At 11:28pm on July 25, 2020, Matthew Pappas said…

Thank you for the add to this great resource. As of right now it's T-minus 3 1/2 days until I take him up to the hotel and then his flight out to RTC is on Thursday. So many emotions for sure, I appreciate the resources this site and the Facebook group offers. I hope to learn from all of you. My dad was 22 years active in the Navy on Heavy Cruisers and Submarines, but I was just born about 2 years before he retired. Im definitely excited for my son, although the reality is starting to hit him here leading up to it and he's definitely nervous because of the unknown aspect. I have full confidence in him; hopefully his RTC experience will help him gain some of that confidence for himself too. 

At 6:35pm on July 25, 2020, Allan Tedford said…

Thanks for the welcome , Jim!

Our son has wanted to be an electrician since Jr. High. When it became apparent that the IBEW was not going to accept applications for 2021 he asked how he was going to get training and have job security. "Job security" from an 18yo?!

Then he discovered the SeaBees. When that was not likely to happen because there were no open positions for the CE ratings, he opted for AE/CF in the "regular" Navy. 

We are very proud of this young man. He is very excited and clearly walks prouder since enlisting. He ships out this November.

Go Navy!


At 7:52pm on July 20, 2020, David H Donahue said…

Thanks so much Jim. I am sure he made a great decision. I am very proud of him and really hope it's a good fit for him. Thanks for the warm welcome!

At 2:48pm on July 2, 2020, troy allen said…

Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm sure I'll have several questions as he gets closer to his ship date of 9/1. Thanks again!

At 10:57pm on June 1, 2020, Steve Janss said…

Thank you for the welcome, Jim!  I look forward to taking a more thorough look around.

At 5:09pm on April 19, 2020, Jack Stebbins said…

Thanks Jim for the reply.. Yes, our Son is new to military and we are very hopeful he will adapt ok... I must admit it's been harder on my old butt than I thought it would be, but at my age (66) I'm a big boy now and will adjust. Ryan and I are very close.  God Speed,  jack

At 9:27am on March 26, 2020, Marjorie S Bradbury Laing said…

Thank you, this has been an extremely educational and informative site and I so appreciate all of the time, thought, and effort put into creating it.  Thank you for allowing me to be a member as my child starts his Navy journey.

At 9:53am on March 3, 2020, Sean Baldwin said…

Greetings! Thank You for the Welcome. So far I have enjoyed your site the information has been Great.


At 6:08pm on February 22, 2020, Edsel Miranda said…

Your enthusiastic welcome and comments are greatly appreciated. 

Thank you , 

Edsel Miranda,  "Ed" to you all.

At 6:56am on January 22, 2020, Estell Tabor said…

Thanks for the welcoming. So much has changed since I served. I do have a few questions for you about the AWO rate. Did your son like it. Was school hard? What kind of job opportunities did he have after his enlistment? The last ? Is kinda my big one. The job seems really cool. Did he purse his degree while serving? What are good degrees to purse that are job related? Sorry so many ?’s

At 7:14am on September 29, 2019, Matthew Bagley said…

Appreciate it Jim. Best job in the world despite where society is today. It was just time for me to move on. No regrets and not a bad thing to say about it. 

At 10:52am on September 27, 2019, Matthew Bagley said…

Jim thanks so much.  My son Connor is my first military son.  My oldest son is in college.  Two of my uncles and one grandfather were in the Air Force.

I never served.  I was a police officer for 25+ years just recently retiring and now working for our county prosecutor.  

All is good but I do miss him already!!!

I'm going to take some time and delve into your website.  I already read about the taxi to graduation.  Great stuff.  He graduates sometime in November and stays in Great Lakes fro his A school.

Thanks for sharing about you and your family!!


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