Navy Dads

Awesome new music video from the Doobie Brothers. They are very strong supporters of the military and we received permission today to download and post this video!

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Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on August 21, 2014 at 11:27pm

youtube version...high def

Comment by Becky-ProudMamaB-(N4M's) on May 19, 2011 at 8:13pm
Thanks for this - it comes at the most opportune time! - Keep them coming!!!
Comment by Steve Goben on May 15, 2011 at 9:59am

Navy Bootcamp Group:

  The time has come for us to moved on. Our son PIR on 5/6/2011, he now at Nuke School in S.C. .To All FUTER SAILOR', AND FAMILY. GOD BLESS, BE PROUD, AND ALWAYS KEEP YOUR FAMILY INFORM WHAT YOU ARE DOING " THE LOVE YOU, AND MISS YOU".

Comment by Kevin Foster on May 15, 2011 at 8:09am
Nice tune. Great video. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by Denise ( A Seabee mom) on May 14, 2011 at 8:37am
Can I put this over in Navyformoms?
Comment by Steve Goben on May 14, 2011 at 8:04am
To all Navy Dads & Moms:  Everybody has seen the stickers in memory of loved ones who have passed away on car windows. Here in St Joseph Pickup Palace will make stickers that are 10 inches by 4 inches stating Proud Parents of a US Sailor.  Also, by choice, you can have your sailor's name placed under it.   The cost of this is 12.50 plus shipping & handling anywhere in the world.  You can contact them at 816-233-6233.  Their address is 4403 S Leonard Rd, St Joseph, MO 64503-1766.  To give you an example of this, it is made of navy blue, stating Proud Parents of a U.S. Sailor, Nathan D. Goben.  They said they would also make these stickers for any other service, in their service colors.
Comment by Steve Goben on May 14, 2011 at 7:53am
Outstanding, thanks you Doobie Brothers.
Comment by Michael A. O on May 14, 2011 at 7:50am

Oh Thanks alot. You made this big bad dad cry. All jokes aside, great video. I miss my son so much but I am extremely proud of him & happy for him & so thankful for everyone's service. Sometimes we forget the cost that made us free.

God bless this great country & the men & women that keep us free.

Comment by Grey Lynch on May 14, 2011 at 7:24am
Great song and video, The Doobies have always been a favorite, Working with these kids everyday, I see joy, laughter, sadness and and hope... But always Pride that they are serving their country as US Navy ! God Bless them ALL !
Comment by Ric Galli on May 14, 2011 at 2:16am
The Doobie Brothers Rock! I am sure they will inspire anybody who listens to it. They were my favorite band in the early 70's when I was in the Navy. Thanks for the posting.


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