Navy Dads

NavyDads CoAdmin Jim Gramza's Comments

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At 11:25am on May 14, 2022, Daniel J Drury said…

Yes that was something wasn't it and they were spot right on they hit that right on the nail head he said the Seas could be 15 ft high and that ship doesn't move but when that missile comes out of the ship the whole thing vibrates violently Like An Earthquake

At 8:42am on May 14, 2022, Daniel J Drury said…

Thank you I appreciate that Jim when my son enlisted I was happy cuz there was nothing out here for him in our region northeastern Pennsylvania and he has great knowledge of computers he did his first four years on the USS Lake Erie and he was on the ship when they shut down the satellite enter in space he said it was the best bullet he ever shot LOL I hope to have a good experience on this site can you definitely have started off right for me

At 5:59pm on April 23, 2022, Mark Alcock said…

Thank you for the warm welcome Jim

At 6:34am on March 30, 2022, Brother Green said…

Thank you for your son's service. My son graduates from boot camp on April 1, 2022; the wife and I are excited and proud of him.

Thank you for allowing me to join. I have read so much in just the last 24 hours, and it answered a lot of my questions just reading on this site. 

Go Nav!!!!

At 6:07am on March 18, 2022, Naomi Marino said…

Thank you so much for such a warm welcome! I absolutely understand the pride you feel for your son. We have no prior military background before our son enlisted as well. And we agree that it was a life-altering, amazing decision that he made. We are so proud. Thank you for accepting me into your group. 

At 6:28pm on March 7, 2022, Rondah Delos Reyes said…

Thanks Jim!

At 5:40pm on December 28, 2021, Tony Gallo Sr said…

I just wanted to say thank you for allowing me to become a member of your group and I the kind words that put me at ease.  I also wanted to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year.   

At 6:13am on October 16, 2021, James Bud Morgan said…

Thank you all for having me.

At 6:05pm on September 23, 2021, Aaron Smith said…

Thanks Jim,

You have a lot going on here and on facebook. Thanks for all you're doing. I appreciate that there is a place to go to communicate.


At 9:02am on September 8, 2021, Terry Polanco said…

Jim, thank you so much for having me and for this great website.  There's a ton of helpful and supportive information here that I'm soaking in little by little. We're happy to support your work here in any way. Terry

At 2:37pm on July 16, 2021, Doug Zerby said…

asking a i dont know question if you are put in a div. like 905 is that a special div 

At 6:29am on July 7, 2021, Phillip Brath said…

Thank you. Looking forward to learning more about  the Navy and what my son is doing. 

Thank you for your efforts in this site and Facebook. 


At 6:07pm on June 27, 2021, Mike Stidham said…

That makes complete sense! Thanks for clearing that up!!!


At 5:56pm on June 27, 2021, Mike Stidham said…

Thanks for the welcome.  Thus us all new, but I am looking forward to finding out all I can.  My son is in boot camp now.  He has been assigned a division and ship.  If his ship is stationed at a particular port, should I assume that he will stationed there after A school? Just curious what the normal process is. He will be an AE.

Again, thanks for the welcome as we begin this journey.


At 2:31pm on June 24, 2021, John Cooper said…

Thanks Jim. 

At 9:39pm on May 22, 2021, Daniel English said…

Thank you guys. I couldn't be prouder of my son than I am now. I just got to speak to him for the first time since he started because his unit pulled a great inspection score and was rewarded with a phone call they thought they had lost. I can hear the struggle in his voice and I wish I could share it with him, but this is his time. I wish covid hadn't spoiled the graduation service, but we'll see him soon enough in A school after boot camp is behind him and he's working to be a nuke. Adversity breeds strength and I can already see that strength growing in him. So glad to be a part of this community that I never really expected to be.

At 7:41pm on May 8, 2021, Lori Burns said…

Thank you for your message.  I am not sure if he signed the HIPPA but I will certainly find out.  I know that he does not plan on trying again and just wants home for good.  

At 5:07pm on April 11, 2021, Mark Garratt said…

Thanks for your comments .  If USPS is the only way to send mail,   how do I learn his address?

Mark Garratt 

At 9:45pm on February 9, 2021, Jeff Doggett said…

thank you Jim ... very much appreciate the work you put into the site ... 

At 10:09am on February 2, 2021, Karl Meyer said…

Thank you sir. My son is an SNA stationed in Kingsville training to fly F/A-18s. He is on schedule to wing in April.


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Blog Posts

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