Navy Dads

Hey there! Hi there! Ho there!

I received three letters from my recruit today. Hot diggity! In one of his letters, he asked me to bring his laptop to the airport so he can take it to A-School (Goose Creek). I am reluctant as he has had addictive gaming tendencies prior to boot camp. Played hour after hour, ignored his responsibilities around the house, forgot to eat, and slept all day. Thoughts?

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Welcome to the new normal of having an adult child. You might not bring his laptop, but how long do you think it will take him to buy one with his paycheck, or worse,put it on the shiny new credit card a lot of financial institutions will be trying to give him?
I understand your concerns. Have the serious talk with him, but then all you can do is stand back, fingers crossed, as they learn to navigate through their new world. Mine's been in since 9/14, turned 21 last year, doing well, but can't say it's always been easy to remember that it is a different relationship now.

That's the one thing about nuke school, they do not tolerate that sort of behavior.  He will be on a schedule, he cannot shirk his responsibilities much, he will have a roommate or two who will nag him if he stays up all night gaming. If his grades slip, he goes onto mandatory study, which is in the schoolhouse.  The Navy can lean on him harder than a mom can, so he'll learn.  If not, he'll still be in the Navy, just doing another job.  Hopefully knowing this will stop the gaming tendencies. Also, I think the school can confiscate the electronics if they are a distraction.  Not 100% positive on that, but I've heard it from a couple people from a few years back.

You may as well bring his laptop, he'll just buy one at the NEX.  They offer all kinds of enticing credit.

Thank you both so much- I will take it and hope for the best!

Typically, a cheap essay service will not turn their noses up on any kind of relevant job. When addressed, they will write basically any paper. However, the students seldom address those for help with the bigger and more important papers, such as Master’s theses or dissertation. Normally, a writing company will deal with essays and research papers.


What does this message have to do with this discussion on laptops from over 5 years ago?

Stephen Wooley said:

Typically, a cheap essay service will not turn their noses up on any kind of relevant job. When addressed, they will write basically any paper. However, the students seldom address those for help with the bigger and more important papers, such as Master’s theses or dissertation. Normally, a writing company will deal with essays and research papers.



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