Navy Dads

My son called and stated they are starting seperation proceedings for failing room inspections. I'm sure I'm not getting the whole story. I'm devastated. He needs to appeal, correct his mistake, stay in the Navy. I feel helpless what can I do... anyone know anything?

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Chad, I am having a hard time believing that it's just failing room inspection. If he's in boot camp, it may just be a scare tactic to get him to do better. But he does not have a private room at RTC. I don't understand how this could be at boot camp.

He made 1 year Nov 4th. He is just finishing A school in Monterey. Supposedly passed his DLPT. I agree none of this makes sense. I am overcome with emotions. I told him to step up, find an advocate, and do whatever it takes to reverse this and make it right. I feel helpless here. I feel angry that he squandered the greatest opportunity provided on him. How can he get so far and then just let go? I'm lost...

I am so sorry you have to deal with this.  Unfortunately, there is little you can do but be patient.

No, they do not separate anyone for failing a few room inspections.  He will tell you when he is ready to own whatever happened.  I wish I had advice, other than be supportive, listen, and try not to make him feel worse than he probably does already.  

It's hard. I feel guilty, ashamed, angry, heartbroken, responsible, worried, scared, sad, and helpless. Thanks for the kind, supporting words.

It is difficult when someone we love changes paths abruptly, is not close by, and the situation is beyond your control.  Please do not blame yourself.  You are a good, loving parent doing the best you can.

So sorry Chad. But Margaret is correct..just be there for him when he is ready to talk. All you can do is love your kids and do your best to help them.

Good luck.


Chad- as dark as it may seem, hold your head high in that you raised a son that joined the US Navy.  Regardless of how you may feel about this situation, the sun will rise tomorrow in the East and life will go on....the Lord works in mysterious way sometimes....have faith !

Separation for failing a room inspection?  I can understand some tough PT and remediation, but not separation from the Navy... Nope, there is something more to this story!

Chad,He must be at the Defense Language School. Is his Rate CTI? What did he get on his DLPT? if he got a 2/2 he should have no problem. This is a very strange school. All four branches attend. The distractions are high much easier if he isn't old enough to drink. BUT i know first hand they will try to help him through. But, Don't despair, this is not for every one. The Navy is very good at placing the right person with the right job. All the kids that I saw that were removed from DLI were very distraught at the time. But are happier now ,doing well in the fleet and wondered why they ever even wanted to be a linguist.

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