Navy Dads

Son absolutely refuses to discuss a vehicle loan for $12,000 he has decided to abandon on us since we are on the loan as well. Been lying to us about payments in the mail that never comes, then just starts fabricating lies, I forgot to put a stamp on it, I addressed it to myself, the lies just never stop. He promised us he would set up automatic payments, those were always "pending " on his Navy Federal Account. We have been trying several times a day to call but he won't take the calls, we have texted him and he stated that he wasn't going to pay for the car & to leave him alone. Unfortunately, since he absolutely refuses to talk directly to us (even stated he wasn't on his last text), we are left no other option except to contact his Commanding Officer to assist us. We have come to realize that we can't make him be an honorable man with integrity and pay this debt or even pay a portion of the upside down $5,380 so we decided to trade in the vehicle and need his signature on several documents. He still refuses to talk to his father so we can explain all he needs to do is sign the papers and he's done. Last text stated, I made up my mind. Where do we start with this process?

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Wow...I'm so sorry to hear of all this. What has gotten into him? I would think that you could mail the copies of the paperwork to him and ask him to mail them back, but it sounds like he's not going to do that. I assume that he is on a base far from you. If you want to contact someone, start with his command master chief. He would be up the chain first. 

The Navy doesn't like when their sailors don't take care of business. 

I'm so sorry...

Good morning Jim...we are heartbroken. This is one of the hardest decisions we have faced with him. We know his fiancée has a lot to do with it. She doesn't realize this isn't just walking away from a father/son handshake deal. He's in Pensacola at A school, we live in NC. We have considered just showing up at the gate. We did call the barracks and spoke to an E5 I think. He said that Chief Garza would call us back but he never did. Husband received a scathing text less than hour later, swearing and calling us not caring and trying to ruin his career, and he was not paying. Is this how the Navy Chief would have handled this? He even said go ahead and contact my Chief again I can't wait for you to hear his response. I hate to say this, but that this young man is a very very skilled liar. We cannot believe anything that he tells us. It's just so sad he chooses to be this way. We hate that this, but we have to do something we have reserved a vehicle that we only have 36hrs to make decision or lose the $500 fee.

Well, it sounds like he's making idle threats against about calling his chief. At this point, you have nothing to lose by calling him. If you drove down there, you will most likely not get to see him at all. You will not be allowed onto the base where he is. I don't see what good it will do by driving down there. 

As hard as it is...maybe you should think about cutting all ties with him and his girl. I would hate to go that route, and I'm sorry your stuck with paying off his vehicle, but maybe it's time to cut your losses. 

I know this is not what you want to hear, but he is his own man now with adult decisions. He belongs to the Navy. You might also contact the ombudsman there. I will see if I can find a contact number for you.

Here is the ombudsman phone number:

NASC Ombudsman:


I honestly don't know if there is anything even they can do. I do know that the Navy is big on family. However, if he is the habitual liar that you say he might not get too far.

Please keep me informed. If there is ANYTHING we can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.

Jim Gramza

Sorry to hear of these issues....may want to call the Legal department there since it involves legal documents and you are not getting anywhere

Naval Legal Service Office Command NLSOC
(850) 452-5575

Jim and Paul - thank you both for all of your suggestions. Tried Legal, no answer. Is he allowed to receive a FedEx at A school?

We sent another text explaining to him that we only need his signature and he would be 100% free of any financial obligation. We are trading in his car but his signature is required since he is also on the loan. We made it clear he had a choice, agree he would sign the documents and get them returned immediately or we would send them to his Master Chief to get his signature. Still no response. However his brother sent us a message stating we were actively sabotaging his career and hoped we rot in hell. His brother is an Army National Guard. Two military men with no honor nor integrity. We don't want to get him into trouble, we hate this more than anything. This is tearing the family apart.

When it comes right down to it you need to protect to a lawyer and see what options you have.  Might cost $300 dollars but you'll have some legal advice and then you can decide and eventually walk away from the situation....... 

I can't imagine what you're going through right now. I get the feeling that he thinks he can't be touched because he's in the Navy.

Paul is right need to protect yourselves against any leagal action on his part. 

We hope nothing but the best for you all...I think we would also be interested to know how this all plays out and what the outcome is.

Good luck.

Any news! If there is, I hope it's good!

Good morning Jim, it's gotten worse. He is now no longer replying to his fathers texts. We are not sure if he is even receiving them, they only say sent. He may have changed his cell number, we have been completely cut off of all means for direct contact. His fiancées parents said if we contacted their daughter again they would consider it harassment. The mother, will not respond to his father, and we refuse to contact his older brother after the text he sent us. It's obvious that none of these people have been told the truth about this vehicle or they are the most ignorant people we've known. We had decided to trade the vehicle in and relieve this kid of all financial responsibility. He was sent two power of attorney documents to sign, he has not sent them back. He signed for them last Saturday. We now have an appointment with our attorney tomorrow. He has left his father no choice. Now, his father is going to demand his signature to sell that vehicle and will seek payment for the upside down amount of $5500 including attorney fees. Only God knows why this kid choose this path.

I'm so sorry to hear about your continuing problems....hopefully at some point your son will come to realize that behaving this way over something really as inconsequential as a car is a poor excuse to alienate family.  I'm glad you are following up with legal help- you need to protect yourselves.  He is an adult and has made his choices good or bad.  

Sharon, I'm so sorry to hear all this. But you are doing the right thing for yourselves. I totally agree with Paul that you need to protect yourselves against any legal action he may take. 

I sort of know what you're going through. I have a daughter that has alienated me too. We have no contact with her or her daughters. I hope you all some day can find peace.


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