Navy Dads

 I need to know more about getting females in the Navy. It's called Upper.

 They have to have a 50 or above on the Asvab.

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Hello David, I am by no means an expert but my daughter just got back from MEPS on Friday. We learned that there is a complete lock on males looking for jobs right now. The only jobs open are for upper (asvab of 50 or higher) females in non-traditional rates. Engineering, Seabees, etc. At the advise of the calssifier and recruiters my daughter signed as a hull technician on the promise that as soon as the fiscal year 2011 jobs opened she would be at the top of the list for the CTT-AEF job she really wanted and qualified for. They made the entry date in December to make sure there was enough time to take care of any changes. I hope this helps.
To Jim C, Yes Jim this does help me. Now if I can persude Natalie to set up a interview with the recruiter.
She has 24 credits in college, but no GED yet. She will be taking that in April GED that is.After
taking the GED is when she wants to see the recruiter. Which I feel will be to late.

David B
I'm not sure about the timing. Casey's classifier told her no jobs would come open until May. Of course thats jobs she was qualified for. You daughter may be a different story with the college credits.
Jim, I have a question for you? What is a CTT-AEF anyways.

David B
CTT= Crptologic Technician Technical
AEF= Advanced Electronic Field
To get the AEF you have to score higher on the ASVAB than you would for just the CTT rating. AEF also means you have to take up to an additional 10 months of school. Because of the extra schooling you have to sign a 6 year contract. The real upside is once you finish A and C schools you are a E-4 and a good candidate for advancement programs. You also need to be able to get a top secret clearance. At least thats how it was explained to me.
You can find the complete list of rating(jobs) thier descriptions and civilian equivelant on the navy cool website.
To David - Is your daughter taking the GED for personal reasons? As long as she has 15 credits that is sufficient to join the Navy. In fact the GED will do nothing for her, in regards to joining.

Chief West-Thanks for the info. Yes on the question of the GED. Last time I talked to Natalie, She told me no Dad not 15 credits but 24 credits I received. Just goes to show I not up to things.Does the Navy still have advanced rank or bonues being offered?
I must ask 1 questin here as my son was sort of in the same position. Jim did your daughter et this in writting on official Navy letterhead? My son Trevor was promised by his recruiter that when he got out of basic that he would be able to trasfer his MOS to Nuclear Engineering as his math credits from school weren't transferring over from vo-tech properly. He scored a 98 on his asvab and was told whatever he wanted to do in the navy he just ha to tell them. when he got through basic and went to his CO to find out what pperwor he wa going to havto fill out to switch MOS. the CO laughed and said your funny son this should have been taken care of by your rcruiter before you ever left to go to the meps station to come to basic. We learned th hard way that Spoken promises are just tat Spoken. Cover your ass and get the CO ove your cilds recruiter to put this in writting for you or your child will get stuck in some job that they have no desire to be in and make for a miserable tenure in the US NAVY
Tim, they refused to put it in writing. I don't think she made the best decission but it was hers to make. It will be straightened out one way or the other before she leaves for Great Lakes. The DEP contract is not binding, she'll have to make the decision to stay in the contract, renagotiate, or walk away as we get closer to December depending on if the 3 officers at meps live up to there promise.
There is no way I would miss her swearing in and I think the classifiers played on that. It's a 4 hour trip one way to MEPS for us. They told her if she signed they could change the job. That would save us another trip or maybe even more.
Just an update on my daughter. The recruiters did get her contract changed to CTT with a ship date in August. Just what she wanted. I know sometimes recruiters get a bad rap but, the recruiters we've dealt with have been nothing short of outstanding. They even have a VERY active DEP program to get the DEPer's ready physicaly and mentaly for Great Lakes.
I know it has been some time since you asked this question, but for some reason I am not getting the e-mails as I should.

At any rate, the college credits MUST be from an accredited institution, no online courses, no correspondence courses.

Yes, to date, if an applicant joins the Navy, there is either a cash incentive for having college credits, an advanced paygrade upon entry or both. Depends on several factors.

Hope this answers your question.


David B said:
Chief West-Thanks for the info. Yes on the question of the GED. Last time I talked to Natalie, She told me no Dad not 15 credits but 24 credits I received. Just goes to show I not up to things.Does the Navy still have advanced rank or bonues being offered?
Chief West- Thank you for the response. What factors are we talking about? The recruiter in Clearwater FL said No to advanced rank, nothing on bonues. I told Natalie to go to another recuriter who knew is busness. When she told me , she went to MEPS and they didn't have her scheduled to take the ASVAB. Plus he couldn't give her the right directions to MEPS I was a little upset to say the least. Enough on him, the Navy will catch up with him. Is she better off not presenting the GED just show her credits from college? Thanks again Chief. By the way my rate was mess-speacilist also back in 1975 MS2.




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