Navy Dads

Looks like there are a number of Sailor Recruits currently on going to PIR on 3 December. I know there are others, I just haven't found them all on NavyDads yet... Only want to wish all the SRs God speed and congratulations on serving our nation in a time of need. Keep safe! and we'll be praying for you and your families daily. GO NAVY!

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Please pull all those last names off this site and any others you post on. We must observe Op. Sec. To protect our sailors, there really are bad people out there who watch this site for Intel. Thanx

G Man said:
Please pull all those last names off this site and any others you post on. We must observe Op. Sec. To protect our sailors, there really are bad people out there who watch this site for Intel. Thanx
Question... What is the protocol on last name usage? Should we not use them on our profiles? Seems that the use of our last names, PIR dates and A school locations for our SR's would be more than enough info for the "bad guys". It wouldn't be difficult to figure out travel plans and flights, something to think about. If we are concerned about security, what sould we do?
common sense rules here guys. There are last names posted all over the internet AND OFFICAL NAVY WEBSITES as well (check the editorial staff listings in the Penny Press at . For SEAL and SPEC OP types, as well as some IS and crypto rates they need to live by a higher order and pay a little more attention to last name usage. For SEAL (800-divisions) we ask that last names not be used.

Sterlon Mayo said:
Question... What is the protocol on last name usage? Should we not use them on our profiles? Seems that the use of our last names, PIR dates and A school locations for our SR's would be more than enough info for the "bad guys". It wouldn't be difficult to figure out travel plans and flights, something to think about. If we are concerned about security, what sould we do?
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes, wishing you and yours the same. My SR also has a PIR date of 12/03. I hope we can all get together in person at a meet and greet before PIR.
I guess that was really my intent on authoring this thread... I was reading other threads/posts that mentioned individual ships/divisions but the common theme was that they were all PIRing on 3 December... so I thought it would be a good idea to create a "generalized" thread for all of us. Keep using the individual threads as they will keep you better informed of each ship/division and use this thread to for general info... Like a blizzard is going through N. Dakota right now dropping as much as 10 inches of snow and heading east...which for me is a distant memory as I was stationed at Chanute AFB IL in the early 70s and now live in a place where I can wear my bathing suit year round... then I look at the PIR date for our SRs and the memory comes back all too vividly...and they don't sell winter coats here! LOL.

As for the OPSEC issues mentioned in earlier post by G Man and Admin Paul... I dealt with OPSEC for my 25 years in the USAF and currently deal with OPSEC on a daily basis as a DoD contractor...and you point out some of the very OPSEC issues we face in the world we live in... OPSEC is a serious business and so I didn't mind pulling the names (although to my knowledge, none of them where in the 800 divisions).

Sterlon Mayo said:
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes, wishing you and yours the same. My SR also has a PIR date of 12/03. I hope we can all get together in person at a meet and greet before PIR.
We got our real phone call at 6pm today from our son. He says it's pretty easy, the food isn't to bad, and there are several recruits that speak only broken english. One from Nigeria, and I think So. America. That surprises me. Wanted to know if we want to do the adopt a Sailor / recruit for Thanksgiving day. Wife wants to, but I'm reluctant, as I feel he only has another week from then til PIR and need to stay focused. Anyone planning on doing this?
John J...
Once upon a time (as my soon-to-be sailor would kid with me), my wife and I did the "Adopt an Airman" when I was a Technical Instructor at Chanute AFB in the early 70s. The decision to do it the first time was difficult but we finally decided to do it...and the rest was history. From that point on, we did the "Adopt an Airman" for both Thanksgiving and Christmas throughout my 25 years of active duty when our family was at home. You will never know the true thankfulness and blessings these members feel/receive especially when they are away from home and don't have the means/liberty to enjoy these two holidays with their own family. By the end of the day, you will have "extended" you family beyond belief. I was fortunate enough to be station at my last duty station, Patrick AFB, for many years and have kept in touch with these airmen who now have there own families...and guess what they are doing? You guessed it...during the holidays, they participate in the "Adopt and Airman" program. My vote is to give it a shot...then, I think you will be hooked! Congrats on getting your first phone call...we are still waiting on ours :>(
Well, my wife got about a 5 minute phone call from our son this evening. I am glad he is doing so good, just disappointed I didn't get to talk to him. Does it sound right that he could get liberty on Thanksgiving so if we were in town we could see him? It might be worth the 8 hr round trip, but then again it is only 1 week later for PIR. But we (she) finally got to hear his voice.
My recruit had mentioned that the SR's might be able to get "adopted" for Thanksgiving dinner by a local famliy. I grew up in Orlando and our family welcomed 2 recruits from the base every year for a holiday meal, what a gerat experience for all. Just know, if you decide to not to make the trip, they will be taken care of by the local community and more than likely will receive another call.
Who here will be attending the 12/03/2010 PIR? I will be alnog with my wife. Who else?
Wouldn't miss it for the world John K... Mom, dad, and son's girlfriend... Hope to see you there!



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