Navy Dads

Navy Daughters and their Dads


Navy Daughters and their Dads

Daughters in the Navy: A group for those of us with Navy daughters serving- either in DEP, at RTC, or in the fleet.

Members: 156
Latest Activity: Apr 2, 2021

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Presentation on Women in the US Navy: Your daughters follow in the footsteps of these great Americans.... read about them----

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The Journey Begins

Started by Sandy "Sandman" Berger. Last reply by SSG LoGiudice Dec 21, 2012. 4 Replies

The journey begins

Started by Jim Harris. Last reply by SSG LoGiudice Dec 21, 2012. 1 Reply

Norfolk " Real Estate

Started by Rocketman. Last reply by Ric Pallson Sep 8, 2011. 3 Replies

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Comment by Dave on October 5, 2009 at 9:45pm
Doesnt it figure, I had off work today. Changed the oil in the car, took my son out shooting, and had some fun with the family and while we were out shooting my daughter gets her first phone call. I cant believe I missed that, maybe its for the best since my wife said all she did was cry for the first 10 minutes and couldnt even talk.
Comment by Sandy "Sandman" Berger on September 10, 2009 at 1:22am
By the way just so you know their Petty officers will read post on this site and Nanvy Moms,they can get teased about certain things so just a heads up. I remember the first time Molly told me they were reading my post ane letting her know some things, but it was mainly the photos they gave them greif about. Welcome to the digital world!
Comment by Dave on September 10, 2009 at 12:21am
Thanks for the comments and suggestions everyone. We just got our call, which was nice that it was actually about 20 seconds. My wife got to talk to her and I know you guys have all been through it, just a quick "I am here, my stuff should be home in a week and I should be able to call home in 2 weeks, tell everyone I love them" and thats that. I do feel alot better already because she was so excited to start, met 2 people at MEPS that both left with her to GL and one girl is also going to Pensacola for A school. It was just that initial shock of coming home from work and knowing that my first born, my baby wasnt going to be home that really tore me up last night. So thanks again for the well wishes, suggestiong and words of wisdom it is very much appreciated.

BTW I would love to get her baby picture listed on this group with the others, how can I go about doing that?
Comment by Dave on September 8, 2009 at 8:08pm
Thanks. Sandy, Alyssa's rating is AO (aviation ordnance) and A school at Pensacola. She was so excited and giddy about getting on with the rest of her life and that has put a smile on my face knowing that while I instilled the thoughts of the military in her mind since she was around 15 that she actually is doing it because she is looking forward to the challenge and rewards. I know we all go through it and how hard it is and I am very positive because I know she loves a challenge and is really gung ho about getting to it. Its just losing your baby that is the hard part for me and my wife, and well it really hasnt hit my other children, especially my son who is 6 because they were just so close. But like you all said I know time will heal the wounds and we will definately be going to PIR which I am sure will blow us all away once again.
Comment by Kirk Brooks on September 8, 2009 at 8:00pm
Hi Dave, you'll get used to it faster than you think. Don't be impatient about letters and phone calls (Other than the 10 second call when she arrives at GL) those will take several weeks to earn and the privilege of those two things can be revoked for any reason during boot camp. Once you get your first real phone call or letter and you see how much she's changed (for the positive) you'll be blown away and walking on air all day. Holly takes her finals at Pcola tomorrow and then she should be home for 2 weeks leave and then she's off to Kitsap Naval Base where she'll start her first deployment on the USS Abraham Lincoln. Her rating should be ABE - Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Equipment). We're all very proud of her and can't wait until she gets home on Thursday or Friday. I won't know her travel schedule until tomorrow night. I just wish I could get more time off while she's here.
Comment by Sandy "Sandman" Berger on September 8, 2009 at 7:57pm
Dave, as we have all said been there done that. Know hwat you are going through, the next few weeks will be the worst as you won't have a whole lot of communication with her. You will be thinking of her every minute, but she will be so busy she will think of you a lot just not as much as you think of her. If you she is not grad and go and you get a chance to go to GL for PIR do it, just for the time you will spend with her. If she is grad in go and your time is limited you may wnat to wait and either wait for leave or go to her A school. What is is rate and does she know where her A school is? Good luck and welcome aboard.
Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on September 8, 2009 at 7:57pm
Dave--- read the discussion in the Bootcamp group called" A MUST READ for All New Navy Parents" will help ease your mind as to what goes on in Great Lakes and why....and when you start to think of it it's only 8 1/2 weeks....that's nuttin!!!
Comment by Dave on September 8, 2009 at 7:23pm
Well all the waiting, all the preparation is now over, I registered here back in I think February and mainly just a lurker since then, gathering information, and preparing myself and my daughter for the big day. Today was one of the roughest days I have had as a parent so far. I started a new job today, my daughter left to stay overnight at MEPS to swear in and ship out to GL tommorrow. Thankfully I had an hour lunch break and work is only a few miles from home so I was able to come home to say goodbye once again which lasted about 2 minutes since she was in the shower when I came home. By time she came down I had to start heading back to work but it was well worth the couple of minutes to sit there with her and her friends that came over to say their well wishes. So the part that really sucks is now coming home from work and knowing that I am missing a child, which just writing this is getting me a bit choked up. So I just wanted to say thanks to everyone here who is so active and providing such great information for the rest of us newbies. It doesnt help the hurt that I am feeling right now because it is all so fresh but in time I am sure it will. I know she is doing a great thing for herself and her country but to be blunt this just sucks right now.
Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on August 12, 2009 at 8:21pm
Bravo all! It is so great to hear that our daughters are doing so well! Kat is 4-plus years in and starting to talk about April when her enlistment is up...
Comment by Tom McGlew on August 12, 2009 at 7:20pm
Hi everyone,

Kelly is on her way home tonight finally from Pensacola where she finished her A school training with highest honors in her AON Classes. This has been a long time waiting for her to come home as she has been gone since March 24th.

It will be great to have home for a week before we take her to Lemoore NAS in CA. She is joining the Flying Eagles Squadron which is the training group for the F/A 18E aircraft. She is looking forward to beginning her new assignement.

I will place pictures of her home coming shortly. Have a great week everyone...Tom

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Form letter

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