Navy Dads

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Separations Process

The following are some commonly asked questions regarding the separations process. If you have a question you would like addressed, please post a comment. Thank you.



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JoDean, I'm so sorry that things have turned out the way they did. It's too bad that things don't always go the way they are supposed to. But just because the web site, or our information says it's one way or the other, doesn't mean it's a lie. The best layed plans don't always go the way they should.

As for the 30 hours bus ride, I believe that if you live that far away, they should be putting her on a plane. Might want to check into that.

I am sorry I have  been so negative but it is my kid and the last time we spoke she was so upset and in such a bad state of mind so as a mom I am so worried. However I have been thinking maybe she pulled it together and went back to finish and just not telling me till she is sure she will be ok. I spoke with her fiance and he seemed rather calm about it and said we will no more in a week or so he is positive. If this is the case I will choke her but then be so proud of her I just dont know.  I am just going to try and be more positive from here on out. Thanks for all the support.

Letting go is tough....your kids are more resilient than you think and you have to trust in their abilities and in the system....have some faith

Here is an update I just got a letter from her, There are reasons I have not heard from her. First she did not see legal till this past Friday so it took over a week instead of Monday. Then She said everyone there is acting like children, they are bringing in contraband, sleeping in each others beds and so on so all privileges and phones have been taken away , so much for not taking phone calls as punishment.  Any way so it sounds like maybe July 8th or end of July hell she was set to graduate on Aug. 8th. Any way her mood seem better she seems to be trying to keep her sense of humor. I feel better now.

you see?  have some faith !

She says care package wood be nice but I am not sure what I can sent, she said she would like coloring pages. Can I send one of these color book that help with stress and anxiety. Need ideas what is allowed.

not sure she can get a package:

Q. Is my recruit authorized to receive electronic devices, civilian clothing, etc., while in the process of separation?
A. Recruits in separations are not authorized to receive any items they were not issued or were unable to receive while in training. Be aware that while personnel are not authorized to open sealed mail, they may ask a recruit to open it in their presence to check for contraband.

underline was added for emphasis 

I know still makes me mad they they say they wont take phone calls away or letter writing privileges but they did. Any way it is what it is.



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