Navy Dads

     I didn't recieve a card from Trevor this year instead I got a box with an Under Armour navy hat in it and a note binder that he had hand written a note to me. In this note Trevor thanked me for all of the things that I had taught him growing up. Like being respectful to others, always holding the door for a lady or an elderly person and always being the last in the family line so that you know the kids are always acting the way they should and are protected from harms way.

     Trevor also wrote these kind words to me and I had to share them with someone so here it goes. "When it came to me enlisting in the Navy , you seemed to be the only person that didn't have a ton of questions. You just understood why I'd made the choice and supported me . It means a lot to me how actively involved you are on NAVYDADS and seeing a new pic of you in something that says Navy on it or posting something Military related on Facebook. I hear all the time how to some peoples parents, the navy is just another job. but when it comes to you, You've taken on this Lifestyle to the best that you can without being here in the thick of it. Thank you for making me into the man that I am today."  

     Talk about making a tough old dad break down and cry. I always hoped that I had guided my boys towards doing the right thing and supported both of them 100% in whatever they chose to do in life. This just goes to show that I must have had some influence over him.

    "Non Sibi, Sed Patriae"  Not for self, but for country.

Views: 62


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Comment by Mark Lee on July 6, 2012 at 10:32am

Wow, that ME shed a tear !!! That's what Fatherhood is all about...Be proud DAD !!! BZ

Comment by Navy Dads Co-Admin Tom on June 26, 2012 at 3:15pm

...made me shed a tear!

Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on June 26, 2012 at 10:39am

you deserve to shed a tear or two for that Tim!!!  BZ bud!   


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