Navy Dads

Hello all. Have a couple of questions if you don't mind. I have been reading but haven't found the answers. Yet anyway.

I already have three letters written and ready to mail when I get my sons first letter telling us his official address. Any one know of what the usual time frame is from day one unitl we should expect his first mail? I did read at NavyDads about recuiters not always having the correct address due to different things that can hpapen to recruits and Divisions schedules, so won't even ask the recuiter.

Question 2. Are recuits  permitted to have photos? Any limit on how many? In my day things were different, But new Navy and new rules so I thought I would ask.

And question 3. I'm sort of getting the impression that there might be current photos or even short videos on NavyDads I haven't yet found of recuits. Sort of like daily or weekly random posts for parents. I realize RTC is indeed a military installation and subject to the usual security, but there are sort of general videos of interest that are here.

Thanks again in advance for your help. I am indeed quite impressed with NavyDads. Especially the PIR telecast. That made the rest of the family happy to hear. Some new things since 1964 can be good changes.

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Comment by Craig Hall on January 19, 2014 at 4:08pm

Hello Tom.

Thanks for the info. The timing doesn't make sense, but as we all learned;

There is the right way. The wrong way. And the Navy way.

Nothing I can do about it anyway, so will continue to write letters and wait.

Hopefully today I will be able to write that our team, San Francisco 49ers, Won.

I wonder if we can bunch them all in a next day air mail?

I'll star a new blog for that.

Comment by Navy Dads Co-Admin Tom on January 19, 2014 at 10:48am

I'm pretty sure Craig. They are straight out the first couple of weeks as they are getting acclamated to their new lifestyle. Isolation is part of the process. Letter writing by the SR's is done on Sundays and mailed once per week. You may get a few the first delivery as things catch up. After that you will find yourself camped at your mailbox every Wed...LOL! Write him as often as you can...include current events , sports scores, etc. as they don't get any t.v. or news during Basic. Send your letters off as soon as you get his address (the Form Letter).

Comment by Craig Hall on January 18, 2014 at 8:48pm

Hello Tom.

Thanks for the info. Are youSure about parents getting first letter middle of week 3 ?

That would mean recuits won't get any mail from home until boot is half over. I don't remember having to wait that long when I was in. 

Comment by Navy Dads Co-Admin Tom on January 18, 2014 at 10:05am

Craig...The form letter should arrive in about 10 days with his address. Keep writing those letters so you can send them off as soon as you get it! The letters really help the SR's and will be read time and again. You should receive his first letters around the middle of Week 3. Be careful of what you send as things are often "shared" with the rest of the Division...LOL! There are videos on here that will give you a week to week idea of what he is going through, but don't expect to see current photos as they are pretty rare. Learn as much as you can and ask away! Many other parents are on the same journey and have the same questions and concerns...Best of luck to your Son!

Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on January 17, 2014 at 11:57pm

his address will be on the form letter- arrives about the same time as he sailor in a box.  they can have photos, but be practical.  They are pretty darn busy and think about aggravating homesickness...advise printing the photos as part of letters- they take less space that way. Do not count on photos- there may be ONE a week as a response to winning the Trivia Tuesday contest. They get to have one photo taken of a division.....sometimes there are random photos.....most of the time not.


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