Navy Dads

Just received our son's address.  Anybody else in Div 945 Ship 2?


We would love to hear from ya' !!!

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I got a call from the wife today while I was at work, she answered the door thismorning and there was a man with a badge standing there. A very nice federal agent asked her a bunch of questions, then he asked the neigbors a bunch of questions, then some kids in the street, then he went to Zach's girlfriends house and earlyer he had been at the highschool talking to former teachers and NJROTC kids. wow, they really check you out when your going to be a spook.

I would certainly hope they would!!!

Ty Hart said:

I got a call from the wife today while I was at work, she answered the door thismorning and there was a man with a badge standing there. A very nice federal agent asked her a bunch of questions, then he asked the neigbors a bunch of questions, then some kids in the street, then he went to Zach's girlfriends house and earlyer he had been at the highschool talking to former teachers and NJROTC kids. wow, they really check you out when your going to be a spook.

Hello Fellow Dads,

My son is also in 945, and I thought I would share some additional information that I received from him regarding some topics on this thread.

My son had indicated that one of the requirements to be in a 900 division was an ASVAB score of 75 or above. He also had to go through an interview which was just to verify that he could already swim and was physically fit. He volunteered for Wardrobe duty, which is the behind the scenes duty at graduation. Basically it means that during graduation when the other 900 divisions are doing band/flags/rifles, he is in the back room with the VIPs. He did indicate that this would mean that most likely I will not see him during graduation.

Additionally, he got volunteered for Ship Staff, so every day when the rest of the division is at training, he is standing watches on the division quarterdeck checking badges and answering questions. Unfortunately this means that he was on watch Friday when phone calls were made, so he didn't get to make one.


Thanks for the heads up Ty... we have not seen anyone yet but at least now it won't be quite as much of a shock...

Ty Hart said:

I got a call from the wife today while I was at work, she answered the door thismorning and there was a man with a badge standing there. A very nice federal agent asked her a bunch of questions, then he asked the neigbors a bunch of questions, then some kids in the street, then he went to Zach's girlfriends house and earlyer he had been at the highschool talking to former teachers and NJROTC kids. wow, they really check you out when your going to be a spook.

Phil, be ready for some questions that might seem a little odd.

Thanks Ty, now my curiosity is 

We were blessed with a call today !!!   Woo Hoo !!!!  He sounded great and very excited to have hit the halfway point.

The wife got a call too, she said Zach sounded alot better than he did than that first call home. he was bummed because he couldnt get ahold of his girlfriend, but he was in good spirits otherwise.

My wife missed Peyton's call yesterday but he talked to his girlfriend. She said that he still has sinus infection, but is doing well.

My wife got a call from Matt yesterday.  He was still under the weather, sounds like a lot of illness going around the division, but he was in good spirits.  He will be shipping out on Saturday after graduation so at least we will be able to spend some time with him on Friday.  He is part of the honor guard so he said we will be able to "see" him for the graduation and won't be behind the scenes.

My son called home yesterday - said he was sick as a dog.  I guess he too has fallen victim to whatever is going around in DIV 945.

23 Days to go !!!!!



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