Navy Dads

Just received our son's address.  Anybody else in Div 945 Ship 2?


We would love to hear from ya' !!!

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Family members of the military that will be coming to the airport to pick up or drop off their service members can go the the ticket counter of the carrier that the member is flying on and receive a pass to go directly to the gate to pickup or drop off the service member.

  • Midway International Airport USO:   773-582-5852 
    Located in concourse C. To the right after going through metal dectors. Hours: Mon - Sun: 9am - 9pm.
  • The USO Midway does remain open 24 hours during inclement weather and if any military personnel are stranded in the airport overnight.


O'Hare International Airport USO:   773-686-7396

    Located in Terminal 2 above the Delta ticket counter on the mezzanine level, near the chapel. Take elevator up and follow the signs.

    The USO O'Hare does remain open 24 hours

Thank you Paul....  Do you know if there is any specific identifiying info required by the carriers proving that we are with our new sailors?

Hugh, the US Navy Recruit Training Command has a Facebook page. Think you have to have an account on Facebook to get to it. The photos are on the top of the page.


Steve, is there a link to that Facebook page?

Have any of you received a "graduation packet" that I read was to be mailed in the 4th week?  Paul, does it even exist anymore?

David, we have not received  "graduation packet"


Have any of you received a "graduation packet" that I read was to be mailed in the 4th week?  Paul, does it even exist anymore?

I see the gate passes are available, now all we need is a password.


password: on the form letter you recived from your sailor shortly after shipping to Great lakes


I see the gate passes are available, now all we need is a password.


Paul, is there a Graduation Packet that we will receive or is it all on the website now?

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

password: on the form letter you recived from your sailor shortly after shipping to Great lakes


I see the gate passes are available, now all we need is a password.


Wow they must be saving the best Division for last--I thought we would have gotten the "I am a Sailor" call by now.  At least the Division won the Captains's Cup--way to go 945!


David- Have you heard of others getting the call already?  I wasn't expecting to hear from him until tomorrow or Wednesday...

Phil, my wife said she saw other posts from divisions that are graduating with 945 that had gotten their call.



Oh...ok...  I hadn't seen anything.  I have my phone at the ready anyway.



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