Navy Dads

Discussion Group for those with sailors in this ship/division.  We found out my son is in this group of SRs.

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My son Seth is also in this division. Currently all we have is the letter that was sent, giving us his address and his graduation info. If I hear anything of interest, I will post here. 

My Son is Ship 12 Div 089 Same PIR Date

Anyone in Ohio?

I got the "I'm at bootcamp" call and rcvd the form letter but have not heard a word since.  I have written 4 letters since rcving the form letter on 18 Dec.  I'm kind of concerned.  My son is 23 yrs.  and has been on his own for sometime so I know he knows how to take care of himself, but wish he would send a note home.  What is the dental thing about? We kept up with all of his dental, even braces.  Nothing should need doing.  My son is in DIV 090.


Important to know this phrase: no news is good news.  If there were an issue you would have heard....this is very typical and is expected.  Dental- almost all recruits get their wisdom teeth extracted...better at RTC than when in the fleet and 1000 miles from a shore facility.  For the first few weeks they send no mail in general and get to make no phone calls.....around week 3 things start to change so stay patient and more importantly don't fret as he is good hands.

Just got a letter from my son!  He sounds great and says he is learning all he can. Gotcha on the dental.  Seth has already had all his out.  Feel bad for the recruits who have to have surgery in bootcamp.  Well, surgery for all those that have wisdom teeth growing sideways...that is how they grow in my family.  Just wondered about the phone calls because something was said about 24 Dec.  No problem, I'm just thrilled with my letter!  Thanks for the encouragement, Paul.

Unless they are close to PIR, the odds are they will not get to make calls for holidays....glad the letter came.  You'll learn to deal with the lack of communication as there may be long periods during their enlistment that you may not have communications or they may be so busy on deployments that they don't have time or access.

Unfortunately, I understand better than you will every know.  I have two boys and a husband and I can write volumes on the subject. LOL  When others are talking about their communication it just made me wonder.  I know in the future there will be times when he may call and I get no details.  He and I have already talked about that and I made sure he understood that I am ok with that.  But I did tell him if he is given the opportunity to call, please do so.

Bravo Zulu are a vet at this waiting and wondering thing!!!  Fair winds and following seas to you sailor!!!!

My daughter is in that ship too, same grad date. Look forward to making it to the meet and greet

My daughter Sarah is also in Ship 12 Div 090.  I am flying in at 1:00 am Friday morning for PIR. Hope the bad weather as moved on by then.

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