Navy Dads

Did all of your sons go to bootcamp in div 800. My son did not, but his goal is to become a SEAL. He went in un designated. His PIR was July 2013. He is still un des. He is stationed with, and works with the Seabees. He has been training to turn in his packet, and try to get a contract. He was interviewed last week by a career counsler. He told them his goal. The counsler scheduled a PST, and recommended he train with the special warfare teams on base with a couple of mornings each week. His superior okd it, and signed off on it. He has to rate up in Nov. He is trying to decide the route to go. He wants to be able tocontinue traing to get ready to put in for PreBUDS. Any suggestions?

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Thanks Jim and Stephen. He knows the odds are slim. He has been researching, and traing for a couple of years. Longer actually. Thats why he didn't try to go straight to div 800, and pre Bud/s. Wants to be sure he is ready for the challenge. He has met several that dropped and are fighting to get a second chance.

I have not been active in a long time but Marvin your question brought back a lot of memories of what our son went through to get on the Teams. First and foremost what the men have said here before me is absolutely true.  He will take a lot of crap. He will most probably feel like he is hitting a lot of walls and closed doors.  But if you get the opportunity to talk to the guys that are in the community I am sure 90% or higher would tell you that they also took a lot of crap, had doors closed and the difference between those who are there and those who are not is that they never gave up.  Never gave up trying to get their package accepted and into BUD/S and once they got in would never give up.  Many put I their packages more than once, many get rolled once in BUD/S, but the "failure is not an option" is absolutely the way to look at it.

Mine was out in the fleet having his package turned down the first time when he commissioned in from college.  He got placed in another very desirable slot but it was not where he wanted to be so he was able to get that changed and out to the fleet.  This was where he felt he had a chance to re-submit a package and make a lateral move. While out in the fleet and during 2 deployments he put himself in front of everyone and anyone when the opportunity came up.  He worked his butt off to be ranked high in everything he did.  This went on for almost 3 years but he would not give up.  So on his last chance to get his package accepted because he has a narrow window in rank to get in and his 3rd and last chance he got the ok.  Got through BUD/S and SQT without a roll but in no way was it an easy time, there was pneumonia and lots more but he said you just cannot give up.  That seems like yesterday now but in reality it has been a while.

So I hope you can instill in your son if he truly wants to do this for the right reasons he will find it in himself to see that it happens.  Good luck to him, and to you.

Thanks guys. It's great to hear from experience! He is 21 now, and has been his goal for years.

He still has lots of time but the important thing is that his desire has not change over the years.  That is how much being and never get it out of their system.  I would advise him to keep working on the physical aspect, my son's friends do a lot of Crossfit and this seems like a good program that is preparing many of the guys who are now in BUDS.  Let us know how he does.



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